Sunday, May 10, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Nineteen

Happy Mother’s Day! It’s been a beautiful here (although it started out pretty chilly). I hope you had a great day if you’re a mother, or had a mother, or feel like a mother (wait, that sounded weird).
Sunday, May 3rd                                                           
Dr. M had “church” out on the deck.

Meanwhile, my Sunday started out a little rough, but ended up ok.

Monday, May 4th                         
FINALLY we have peonies!

Tuesday, May 5th                                                              
Our yard is pretty darned glorious right now.

Wednesday, May 6th                                                        
Another stellar meal made by Dr. M.

The moon!

Thursday, May 7th      
Your weekly Roy.

Friday, May 8th                                                                  
Hair update. I haven’t cut it (yet), but ugh. Someone on Facebook recommended that I do the feather bang thing, but I tried that on Saturday & that’s a nope. Also, I didn’t realize when I made this sweater that I was trying to recreate my favorite one from middle school. Ha!

Saturday, May 9th                 
Baby birbs! These are phoebes & you can’t really tell, but there are five of them in there.

Our state is going to start phase one of reopening this week, but I’m not exactly sure why. On the plus side, we have comparatively not had as many outbreaks in our county. On the minus side, I’m still not sure we know what we’re doing yet. I guess we’ll find out, won’t we? How are things where you are?


  1. Aaacckk! Not the dreaded Yarn Barf! My sympathies.

    My bangs are officially Growing Out as well. And after All These Years, my husband offered that he preferred me without bangs. (I've had them for decades now. Sigh.)

    Ohio is opening in phases starting Tuesday. The governor basically said, "Expect more illness and death, but oh well." I will NOT be dining in restaurants or going to a salon or...basically, my life will remain the same as it is now.

    Love your reimagined middle school sweater. You must really have carried a torch (or hook!) for it all these years.

  2. Love that pic of you in your middle school sweate and your current one. That's really cool. I like the bird nest, too. I don't think I've ever known about phoebes. I certainly don't remember seeing one. At the very least, I'm positive I've never said to anyone, "You ought to see these phoebes!" They brought to mind my high school Latin teacher, who was named Phoebe Wilcox.

    It's a gorgeous day here. It was so cold last night I had to throw a blanket back on the bed, and I spent the morning with a sweater on. Covid-wise, we're doing pretty good. The scene down at the beaches in Galveston is pretty crazy, but that's because of all the day-trippers from Houston. LOL

    I'm in Galveston County, and the opening of places is going well, as far as I can tell. In a couple of weeks we'll see what the number of cases is, but I don't really worry about case numbers -- especially with so much testing going on now. Hospitalizations and deaths seem more significant to me, and we haven't had a new death in the county since May 1.

  3. Roy.. that sweet face.
    Uh oh - a big bunch of unravel. Glad you got it all back in shape

  4. How are things where you are?

    Up until today, my hospital was slowly gearing down on the coronavirus with my department returning patient room to normal positive pressure status. Just today though we were ordered to stop changing COVID negative pressure rooms to positive pressure and probably switch several of them back over to negative.

  5. that rose bush is gorgeous.

    Texas continues to have 1,000+ new cases a day so obviously, the order to open up was premature.

  6. I have grown out bangs many times in my life - barrettes, hair spray, and cursing - that's the answer! Your roses look lovely.

  7. I hope everyone's safe and staying safe. I just read that the virus is mutating and getting much more dangerous. I don't want to alarm anyone but it's time to get right with God, cause this is getting downright scary! Stay home and stay safe, guys!

  8. Peonies almost open, lovely!
    Hairy days these!
    Here, we are fine, not as many drastic changes for us. Doctors appointments have begun again--eye, dentist, skin care, orthopedic center. . . But no hair appointment yet.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...