Sunday, May 24, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Twenty-one

My cousin asked if I’d been writing any poetry during the Time of Corona. I told her that I have not – mainly because I just feel kind of blank inside. I mean, I have thoughts, but it’s sort of like when you’re trying to meditate – you’re told that if you have thoughts to just watch them come & then watch them go. Maybe I’m just in a really deep meditative state? Actually I’m just very deep into my Enneagram 9 number (and someday I’ll do a post about what that means – ha!). Anyway, I shall try to grab some of my thoughts & tell you about my week.
Sunday, May 17th                                                          
I had the weirdest breakfast EVER today – salmon, oatmeal, & diced tomatoes. It was GOOD.

Dr. M photo-documented our yard.

Monday, May 18th                         
Another week, another crochet project.

Tuesday, May 19th                                                              

Wednesday, May 20th                                                        
Dr. M made some instant pot chicken with Carolina BBQ sauce – yum!

Thursday, May 21st      
I was trying to put my banana & my Cheetos in my lunch bag & couldn’t figure out why they were stuck together. Silly Dr. M!

The granddaughter of one of our church members finished her radiation today, so when I came home from work I wore her t-shirt to help celebrate.

Friday, May 22nd                                                                   
In honor of Memorial Day, health care workers, and City employees who have continued to work throughout the crisis, the City put up a flag on the new construction across from City Hall. We all went outside to watch the firefighters climb up there & put the flag on the pole. You might could pay me to do that, but it would have to be a LOT of money!

Then I went to visit my dad during my lunch hour. He’d had outpatient surgery the day before & I wanted to see with my own eyes that he was ok. In this picture he is telling my brother & me that when he was little, he & his sister Marilyn had favorite dirt on the farm that THEY WOULD EAT. People, my weird food proclivities are GENETIC. Also, obviously, my dad is doing fine.

Saturday, May 23rd                 
Dr. M & I are in a car together for the first time (I think) since mid-March. Where are we going? (Also - LOOK AT ALL THAT GRAY!)

Here are Dr. M’s words from Facebook: This is hard to post, because my wife and I are firm believers in wearing masks and social distancing, but we took a chance today and celebrated my father’s 88th birthday with my brother’s family. Dad had a great day! His good friend, the man I call my “other brother Mike” took him to get his hair cut at a very small establishment they favor, then we took him to my sister-in-law’s house for supper and cake. The kids in the picture are my brother & sister-in-law’s grandkids, along with little O, the great-grandkid. Dana and I attended and are pictured with my sister-in-law. Look, if this is Dad’s last birthday, then I will remember the smiles and tears as we honored my brother’s memory and celebrated our father’s life. Who knows what the next year holds for any of us. This year we celebrated #88 with my dad and he had a great day! [Note from the Bug: That was some really good cake!]

Remember how last week I said I was thinking about getting groceries for the first time since March? And that I would tell you all about it? Well, here you go: all of the staff were wearing masks, but there was only one other customer wearing one. I got everything on my list & a bonus pint of Ben & Jerry’s as a reward. It wasn’t that bad – I think I’m getting used to wearing a mask in public now. Nevertheless, I wasn’t sad when Dr. M said that he would go to the store today.

I have the day off from work tomorrow and I am very excited about it! If you’ve continued to work, do you have the day off too?


  1. I understand and accept the need for social distancing and/or mask wearing but when my daughter, grandson, and granddaughter came over to my house - all were given hugs. I trust my family is also observing the rules. And, sometimes I just need to hug my children.

  2. Hooray, a cake in your post! And a special cake, too.

    I'm finding fewer and fewer people are masking, which makes me sad. Wearing a mask is truly a kind and empathetic thing to do. It shows you care about others. I am always masked in stores. It's uncomfortable and actually tiring, but I want to do the kind and socially responsible thing.

    Rick has the day off, so we are at the lake for the long weekend. It's not very relaxing, since we have a lot of things to do to get ready for the season. But it's all good; it means more relaxing in our future!

  3. A good friend just celebrated her 88th birthday last week down in Phoenix. She had said what she most wanted for her birthday meal was a good cheeseburger. HER Score! Friends brought one to her.

  4. I think it's perfectly human (and understandable) to take a calculated risk in order to be close to family for a special occasion. Makes sense to me.

  5. If you’ve continued to work, do you have the day off too?

    Yeah, I went into work on Monday. I've been trying to build up my paid leave but I had to take Thursday off for a doctor's appointment down in Charleston. Throw in the fact that Friday I felt bad and went home a couple of hours early, so there was no holiday for me.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...