Sunday, May 17, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Twenty

Another week in crazy town/ with lots of crazy people all around/ feeling like I should just go to ground/ but I guess I’ll write this post instead.
Sunday, May 10th                                                          
Starting the week with the ugly adorableness of baby birds, and the lush gorgeousness of a peony.

Missing my mom on Mother’s Day.

Monday, May 11th                         
“Light blocking required.” I’ll say!

 Tuesday, May 12th                                                              
That meme about crocheting a cracker was apparently shared with me one too many times.

Wednesday, May 13th                                                        
Seen around the yard.

Thursday, May 14th      
The Dr. Van Fleet rose at Dr. M's dad's house is still looking lovely!

The silicone band on my Fitbit started irritating my arm, so I decided to replace it with something fun! I also ordered some fabric bands for when I get tired of the beads.

Friday, May 15th                                                                  
Dr. M has been enjoying sitting out on the deck these days. It was a gorgeous day!

Saturday, May 16th                 
My morning – breakfast on the deck, and roaming around taking pictures in the yard. Dr. M has done such a good job with all of our flowers!

Blocked & dried – looks much better!

Dr. M felt like something was mocking him

I’m thinking about going to a grocery store for the first time in a few months. Dr. M usually gets our groceries, but his allergies decided to go crazy today. We shall see. You know I’ll talk all about it next week if I do! How are you getting your groceries?


  1. Gosh, your yard is lovely. So many flowers -- and those peonies are great. They're a favorite; I've probably said that, but I'll say it every time they show up in your blog. I must say, your crocheted cracker cracked me up. Did you crochet a slice of cheese to go with it? I just had some cheese and crackers for lunch, along with an apple and a mandarin orange. Yum! I just did some grocery shopping on Friday, before the Big Rain that rolled in. I don't worry about going to the stores at all -- I go, shop, pay, and come home. Well, and then I put things away, and congratulate myself that I avoided the ice cream and cookies.

  2. How are you getting your groceries?

    I'm usually the person who braves the crazed crowds at Costco and Publix to buy the groceries. It's a pain but at least it means I'm the person buying all the goodies.

  3. Love the flowers. Peonies are among my favorites but my husband hates to see them droop, even temporarily. So despite having cages to hold them up, one good rain and he lops them off. So I gave up. Husband does the grocery shopping. I'll be glad when I can resume that duty. He tends not to look over the produce carefully and makes rather weird substitutions if something isn't available.

  4. Love the old pics!
    And the cute pretzel. What next?!
    You are so blessed with blooms!
    Such a pretty bead band. How long till it irritates or gets in the way?
    Have a great bug-free week, dear Bug! ;-)

  5. I go to the grocery store about every two weeks. I hate it and find it stressful now.

    I love peonies, but Rick's allergies go nuts around them. As a result, I only admire other people's.

  6. that pretzel still cracks me up. baby birds and peonies! I wish peonies grew down here but they don't like our heat. like so many other things.

  7. I've been doing all the shopping. Which, by the way, I hate.

    The crocheted cracker is so funny! And I love the baby birds! What kind are they, do you know?

  8. I order our groceries on-line, then drive to the store and they are brought out to my car and loaded when I arrive. Easy-peasy, but I still miss going into the stores.

  9. Another busy week at your house. Lovely flowers. I'm looking forward to seeing the entire blanket. Is each square different? I just go to the grocery store, wear a mask, try to stay out of other's way and get what I need.

  10. I think the beads look nice with your Fitbit. Good idea!

    Your yard is gorgeous. Things are starting to pop here but it keeps getting cold. I can't believe it's May.

    Grocery stores are scary. We go once in a while but we order and have them delivered or go for pickup.
    Take care.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...