Sunday, September 6, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six

It’s Sunday afternoon and I can hardly hold my eyes open. I went to Daddy & Sue’s after church today & left around 2:00 so they could take their afternoon naps, but I’m thinking I should have just stayed & joined them. Zzzzzzzz…….

Sunday, August 30th                                                                 
There were about 22 people at church and we were able to stay pretty far apart – we sat in every other pew, and we all wore masks. It was kind of sad not being able to sing or to run around and greet every single person during the passing of the peace, but it was nice to see everyone (or at least half of their faces) in person. Plus, I wore a skirt that has been in my closet for around 15 years. I didn’t have a top to match, & the other week I thought, self, just GET ONE. What a concept!

Monday, August 31st                            
This lovely Orange Kobacha squash was in our Misfits box this week. It’s almost too pretty to eat, but you know you’ll hear all about it if we try it.

Tuesday, September 1st                                                                 Dinner – Dr. M’s on the left & mine on the right. I added cilantro & lime to my rice so I could pretend I was having a Chipotle burrito bol. Ha!

Wednesday, September 2nd                                                           
There’s a moon in the sky!

Thursday, September 3rd         
The only picture today was me trying to see what that cutout in my shirt looks like. My hair kept tickling my back & freaking me out so I needed to make sure I wasn’t being all extra exposed back there. Yes, this is the same outfit I wore to church on Sunday.

Friday, September 4th                                                                      
Breakfast – so yummy! I put mushrooms in the bottom, then the steel cut oatmeal & parmesan, topped by a fried egg, avocado, & cherry tomatoes. Highly recommend!

Another new mask plus the same old bangs.

Saturday, September 5th                 
Your weekly progress photo. There are only two more rounds to go, but it’s taking longer & longer each time (duh), so there might not be a progress photo next week.

All week I kept forgetting that it’s a holiday weekend and now here we are in the midst of it and I am SO HAPPY to have tomorrow off. I have a short of list of things to accomplish, but it’s entirely possible that I will do nothing but crochet, read, and play on my iPad. What are you planning to do?


  1. Against my better judgement I'm taking Monday off as well. My plans are to ignore the backyard and leave it uncut.

    My wife and I have been scrambling getting our daughter ready to move up to Clemson and I need a day to mentally shut down.

  2. That is a statement skirt! (And that statement is "FLOWER!")

    I can't believe it's Labor Day. Summer went by in a flash.

  3. I like that outfit you put together. That flashy pink's a good color for you. Your breakfast doesn't seem at all like breakfast to me, but it would make a heck of a supper.

    It is hard to believe it's Labor Day already. They had been teasing us with a cool front, but now they've backed off and say we're going to be treated to more heat and humidity for at least another week/week and a half. Nasty forecasters, to tease us like that.

    I got some of the last peaches of the season at the farmers' market Saturday, and made the best cobbler ever. The recipe I tried for the topping is almost the same as I've always used, but it included buttermilk, and it was just the best ever. Sunday I went over to east Texas to check out the refuges there post-Hurricane Laura, and all was fine. That storm apparently tightened up a LOT when it came ashore, and you have to cross the TX/LA line before the real damage starts.

  4. back to eew on your idea of breakfast. so if everyone was wearing masks and sitting very far apart, why couldn't you sing?

  5. I like your "alien" mask. I'm wearing one by the same guy as I type!

    I wonder what makes that beautiful squash a "misfit"?

  6. That Orange Kobacha squash is pretty. I don't have a clue how to cook them, but I'd be interested in hearing about it if you do decide to cook it. Love that bright pink blouse. It says, "I'm here. Let's have fun."


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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