Saturday, October 24, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Forty-three

Another week has come and gone, and mercifully we are that much closer to the election. Will we make it? Will the country survive? And will we be able to put it behind us once it’s over? For answers to these and other questions, see some future post of mine in, say, December.

Sunday, October 18th                                                                 

Our day. It was a good day, until it wasn’t (see the caption for tomorrow). 

Monday, October 19th                             

No picture. Instead, you get this, from Dr. M: If you have ever muttered the phrase, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me," you might be a baseball fan! October is the cruelest month, by far, and those of us who endure the long seasons year after year are masochists. The shortness of this season only meant that there was more opportunity to make a deep run, and the Braves did! But alack, not deep enough to satisfy those of us who have waited 21 years for such an opportunity. I am absolutely certain that a riding crop session in Mistress Elvira's dungeon would have been far less painful than watching the Braves lose three straight games and fall short of the World Series this week. My only consolation is that I have some dear Dodgers fans who are elated that their team does not have to feel this pain again this season.

To mix metaphors, those of us who worship in the House of Baseball also dwell in the depths of Sheol. There is the bliss of Cody Bellinger's October Blast coupled with his now dislocated shoulder due to excess celebration. There is the bliss of Dansby Swanson's homer coupled with a tumble into the Pit of Despair that resulted from his inexplicable baserunning error. There is the bliss of the Dodgers in the Series, and the agony of Nick Markakis coming so close only to fall short yet again. So it goes, year after year. Thrill of victory, agony of defeat, year after year after year. The pain is over for me for another season, but I will always wonder what might have happened had Dansby simply stayed put on third. Perhaps two useless outs made in other ways, perhaps not. Then again, that is a matter of faith, not science.

Tuesday, October 20th                                                                  



Wednesday, October 21st                                                          

Woo hoo! 

Also, seen around the yard. I love how Peaches, the Knock Out Rose creates her own bouquets.

Thursday, October 22nd          

I posted a picture of the beginning of this project last week, and now I have a tale of woe. I somehow CUT the yarn on the very first row. It’s a scarf, so both ends will be visible, so any repair will probably be pretty visible (I’m not very good at such things), so I’ll probably frog the whole thing. Right now it’s been put aside to think about the error of its ways. 

Friday, October 23rd                                                                   

Started decorating my office at work. We’re all dressing as witches next Friday – the Witches of HR. Ha! 

Saturday, October 24th                  

Dr. M & I went on a little ramble today. We stopped briefly to check out the Upper Fork of the South Fork of the Catawba River, better known today as the Henry River. Gorgeous day! 

I’m sitting here watching two teams, neither of which is the Braves, play in the 4th game of the World Series. I don’t think I care who wins, but it’s still comforting to have “my” sport on in the background while I work on my post. How are you holding up these days? What sorts of things do you do to keep yourself sane? Or are you sane?


  1. World Series? Is it on? It must be. I sort of tried to keep up with things, but the schedules have been so messed up, with so many changes happening every week, I just gave up. I laughed at the Witches of HR. There are a few advantages to being self-employed, and I think being my own HR department is one of them. Maybe.

    Honestly, the only thing that's been driving me insane recently was the infestation of gnats that showed up in my kitchen. I finally found a recipe for a homemade, non-poisonous way to trap them, and I've gone from 30 or 40 little carcasses in my vinegar and sugar mix to only five, the last time I looked. It really works like a dream: mix about a half cup of water, 2-3 T of vinegar, the same of sugar, and 6-7 drops of dish soap to break the surface tension. They get attracted by the vinegar smell, go for a dip in the concoction, and can't get back out. Very satisfying.


    My Sanity Protocols were discussed in my latest post, which I just hit Publish on. Baseball is not one of them, but you do you.

    Your flowers are still so lovely. I'm jealous of your Automatic Bouquet Rosebush. What a persistent wonder it is; it must be female. LOL

  3. AS for your questions at the beginning of the post, it won't be over until the Orange Buffoon is pushed out of the White House. No, I don't think we will ever be over this, far too many people have drank his Kool-Aid.

  4. I LOVED how the Rays beat the Bums from LA last night. May they make this another season of despair for the hated Dodgers.

  5. Lovely ramble you all took. Pretty flowers. Wonderful hair - you are a redhead for certain!

  6. shame on that yarn for jumping into your scissors.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...