Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Wordless Wednesday



  1. yours? I have a jigsaw puzzle app on my tablet but I keep them small, 288 pieces.

  2. I used to do an online puzzle & always loved it - is this an app?

  3. I have a puzzle on my kitchen table right now. It's a summer scene. I should be doing a fall scene, but we've been very slow about getting this one together. Love puzzles.

  4. I think I haven't the patience for puzzles online. I'm the type that is apt to take the scissors to a piece to make it fit!!

  5. That looked like one of the towns on Italy's Amalfi coast.

    Years ago, before the kids, my wife tried to get me interested in puzzles. It was an utter failure, I just didn't have the patience for them.

    Funny thing though, its been way over twenty years since the last time we tried working on one of those puzzles but I recently saw three of them on the shelf in a closet.


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