Sunday, October 4, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Forty

Well this was another crazy-pants week. I can’t believe that the president got COVID. I mean, I can believe it because he never took any precautions, but I still can’t believe it because he should have been more protected than any of us. I guess that doesn’t work if you don’t actually use the protection available to you? I do wish him well, for entirely selfish reasons. This election is already complicated enough without factoring in a sick president. I’m feeling a little “current events” fatigue, which makes me just want to keep my head down & plod along until the next time I have to look up. And vote – it definitely makes me want to vote!

Sunday, September 27th

Is it extra luck if the seed in your apple has started to germinate? 

Monday, September 28th

Dr. M made a face of my fruit.

Tuesday, September 29th

I thought I’d try to make those little cinnamon buns out of my hair. I had mixed results. 

Wednesday, September 30th

It’s still lovely around the old homestead! 

Thursday, October 1st

Dr. M sat out on the deck for a bit.

Meanwhile, I met my cousin at the mall for our weekly walk.

Friday, October 2nd

Lots of pictures today! I took the day off to attend the Evolving Faith conference, which was (of course) virtual this year. It was SO GOOD, even though I gave up taking pictures of all the speakers partway through. 

This was my lunch – salad (with plums & feta) dumped on top of a slice of Mexican pizza.

Meanwhile, Dr. M decorated for Halloween.

And then there was the moon! 

Saturday, October 3rd

Day two of the conference. I was going to have another salad for lunch, but as you can see, my plate is vegetable free. 

Dr. M enjoyed the deck again. I spent some time out there too – such a glorious day!


I’m feeling my usual fall melancholy. I really hate that it gets dark so soon, and I don’t like being cold, and I resent having to wear shoes in the house. But it can be a pretty time of year, and I also need to remember that I hate being hot too (I’m complicated). What is your favorite season?


  1. It's definitely fall here in NEO, too. The trees have begun to colour up, and we've had days and days of cool temps. Not like last year, when we stayed in the 80s and 90s through September and early October, then crashed.

    I like autumn. It's a refreshing change from the heat and humidity of summer. My favourite is spring. It's a reward for making it through winter.

  2. I'm only surprised that it took this long for him to get it. and I have zero sympathy for him. I don't want him to die either, as you say, the election is too close for more complications.

    and your lunch looked great until you told me that the salad was ON TOP of the pizza!

  3. I've never seen an apple do that before!!!!

  4. I think fall might be my favorite season, actually. I love the colors and the light and the blue skies. Your flowers are still looking good! Our geraniums look terrible at this time of year.

  5. Fall is my favorite season, but it turns to winter too soon. I've had a couple of melancholy days recently. Too much politics, too much Covid and just too much.

    Plums/feta sounds like a good combination.

  6. A baby apple tree! Hope you planted it. Possibly you need to work on the hair cinnamon buns. I don't think they're supposed to stick out from you head like that. And, you do eat the oddest combinations of food.

  7. Returning to my usual themes, but the shorter days mean the growth of my grass is finally slowing down. We were supposed to buy a riding lawnmower last month because of my daughter going to college up in Clemson, but there is simply no selection in my area.

    Long story short, I cut the backyard by myself last Sunday, something my doctors said not to do because of my heart. With the much cooler weather the grass wasn't anywhere near as high.

    More importantly, I was able to cut the yard on the mower's lowest level. In short, I'm hoping that will be the last time this season.

    Going to get my son to cut the front yard this weekend.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...