Saturday, October 17, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Forty-two

This week’s photos seem overly selfie-centric. Also, don’t get excited by the fact that I posted three times this past week – it’s not going to happen again any time soon!

Sunday, October 11th                                                                 

As I said on Facebook, basically I just need to stay out of stores until after Thanksgiving. 

Continuing our orange theme… fall leaves and… daylilies? 

Monday, October 12th                             

I think I took a very similar picture a month or so ago, with basically the same caption: I am NOT GOING TO CUT this annoying piece of hair. Nope. 

We got fennel in our Misfits Markets box. Neither of us had ever (knowingly) eaten fennel before, but Dr. M researched recipes and came up with this fabulous chicken orzo soup that contained fennel. Yum! 

Tuesday, October 13th                                                                  

Pretty bowl of Macintosh apples that Dr. M bought for me. They are GOOD. 

Wednesday, October 14th                                                             

Just a bathroom selfie. I’m not sure how I feel about my hair pulled back, but I do know that it was sheer bliss to not have it all in my face all day. 


Thursday, October 15th          

New project. This yarn is soft and sparkly. Fun! 

Peaches the Knock Out Rose is very happy these days.

Friday, October 16th                                                                      

The first picture was taken about 12:30 am after the Braves game was over (they are killing me with these late games!). I was playing around with a new Instagram filter instead of going to sleep. Then later in the morning I took another selfie with that filter. I have always wanted to be a redhead. 

Saturday, October 17th                  

I bought that bottle of conditioner six years ago when I had a lot more hair, and just this week finally used the last of it. I had to laugh – I bought that giant bottle & then cut all that long hair off almost immediately. I’m looking forward to trying one of those new-fangled modern conditioners! Just kidding – if I see this one I’ll probably buy it again. Maybe in a smaller size. 

The Braves have had us on a roller coaster this past week. They are one win away from going to the World Series, but they have been for three games now. They’re three and three with the Dodgers, so tomorrow’s game is IT – win or go home! I’m thinking maybe I should just go ahead & call off work on Monday. I’m too old to be staying up so late. Ha! I don’t think any of my readers care very much about baseball, but just in case I’m wrong, who are you pulling for?




  1. Well, I was rooting for the Astros. So much for that. I smiled to see that we use the same conditioner. I've used that brand of everything since I ran across it a few years ago.

  2. Oh, fennel is fantastic! I'm glad you got some and figured out how to use it.

  3. I've always wanted to try being a redhead, too. It looks good on you!

    My hair is now as long as yours in your pre-cut conditioner photo. I haven't seen a stylist since...December?

    Fennel is nice raw, too. Did you try it?

  4. isn't it fennel that has a sort of licorice flavor? the seeds anyway. so redhead looks good on you. I use combs to pull my hair away from my face.

  5. What a great looking redhead! Does the prof love a ginger? And fennel, yes! I use a mix of ground pepper and fennel seed to make my pepper steak. Love the licorice flavor.

  6. Redhead - works great on you - right skin and everything! Don't think I'd go with that much purple though.

  7. I keep seeing all those redhead filters on everyone & I keep thinking, everyone has come to my side of the track :) LOL

  8. OMG!! You look fabulous as a redhead. I'm a redhead... rather I used to be a redhead. It's turning white now. I'll be a Q-tip soon.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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