Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day Remembrance Day (Almost) Wordless Wednesday

In a Season of Thanksgiving,

We will remember you


  1. What a wonderful way to combine Veterans' Day, gratitude, and Thanksgiving. I especially like the sheep, but that cornucopia's pretty cool, too.

    1. Dr. M loves to decorate the house - it was a nice surprise to come home & see this!

  2. Look at you, with your Thanksgiving decorations out! You're really on top of things. I'm not even thinking about Thanksgiving yet! (Maybe I should be...)

  3. Looks like Thanksgiving will happen at your house!

    1. Well, it will look like it. We'll see what kind of food gets eaten. Ha!

  4. decorating gives him something to do. always a good thing.

  5. Thank you for doing the Thanksgiving decorations. It still bothers me that all the stores go straight to Christmas after Halloween. In fact one of the most bizarre memories I have is walking into a Walgreens and seeing opposing aisles with murderous Halloween monsters on one side and happy Santas and Snowmen along with other Christmas items on the other.

    1. You should see our house now. We had to get rid of our last Christmas tree, so Dr. M ordered a new one. It came yesterday & he had to go ahead & put it up. So we've got Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a couple of Halloween things still around too. Ha!


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