Saturday, May 8, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Nineteen

It’s Saturday night and I’m watching hockey & trying to write this post, but I’m leaned back in my chair squinting at the laptop because I’m this | | close to falling asleep. So this will be interesting!
Sunday, May 2nd  
Packaged up a gift.

These guys! So adorably ugly. As you can tell they are literally on the edge of the nest ready to fly away. Which they did the next day – right over Dr. M’s head!

Monday, May 3rd    
Finished! My very first knitting project. This picture isn’t the best – it’s actually more rectangular than it appears here.

Tuesday, May 4th  
This is what I saw when I left the office to walk to my car. I had to basically walk around the whole block to get to my car – in the rain. I was not amused!

Wednesday, May 5th       
The Dr. Van Fleet rose at Dr. M’s dad’s house – it’s always so faithful to bloom around Mother’s Day. It’s a cutting from Dr. M’s grandmother’s rose.

Thursday, May 6th     
I had a headache, which is a rare enough occurrence these days that I decided to be a drama queen about it. I found myself sitting at my desk with my hand pressed to my forehead & had to document it.

Seen around the house – it’s so pretty here right now!

Friday, May 7th    
I finished my second dishcloth! I ended up purling a few rows on this one, but I actually like the texture of just knitting the whole thing. I also started on my next project, using scrubby yarn. I’m not addicted to knitting. Nope. Not me.

That evening I went to a party celebrating my cousin’s daughter – K graduated from PA school! We’re very proud of her – she’s worked hard. She takes her boards next week (I think) and then she’ll be ready to find a job as a physician’s assistant.

Saturday, May 8th    
Weekly temperature blanket sighting. I went outside to do the photo shoot, but suddenly there was Free Range Roy & I decided that Roy and crochet do NOT mix. I gave him some treats & came back inside.

Wrapped a couple of more presents. Then smooshed them into an envelope for mailing – at least they looked cute for a few minutes.

Well, I’m still half asleep, but I’ve reached the end of this post. I could wait until tomorrow to look it over and make sure I’ve made sense, but why would I do that? So I shall publish this and then sleep like a baby that actually sleeps through the night. How exciting was your Saturday night?


  1. My Saturday night? Didn't really have one, my wife was watching some program that explored new levels in boring for me so I went to bed. It's funny, there was a time when the idea of going to bed as early as I did last night would have been unthinkable.

    1. I REALLY wish I would just go to bed earlier at night. I stay up playing games on my iPad and I could use a parent who would turn off my access to the internet at 9:00. Ha!

  2. So, do you knit continental style or English style?

    Enjoy your Carolina weather. We are enduring temps of 36 with a rain/snow mix. What a miserable weekend.

    1. Continental! I tried holding the yarn in my right hand, but that's not how crocheters do it so it just didn't click.

  3. I slept like the proverbial log last night. First time in quite a spell for that. I was out watering the vines (honeysuckle and wisteria) a bit ago wearing a sweater. It's 75 here but our constant Prescott Valley wind was blowing as usual and the sweater felt good, even in the bright sun.

  4. Great-grandmother's rose, planted at the old house built for the Hicks family way back when. This is one of several cuttings from the original 100+ year old rose. It's been in this red clay bank for over 70 years!

  5. spring is just a memory here though some of the spring bloomers are still pretty,

    1. Yeah - I was feeling jealous of you earlier this year, but now I'm not!

  6. Your azaleas look beautiful - ours were done more than a month ago. I am still highly impressed with you new knitting skills. Yay Dana!!

    1. I wish I was impressed with my knitting skills - I feel very slow & cumbersome :)

  7. Why didnt I realize you didnt knit. You're like me - but opposite - HAHA - I knit more than crochet. I'm just not that good at crochet besides basic rows with basic stitches. Good job on your first few dishclothes - you'll get better & better with each one you do.

    1. I was always afraid I would poke my eye out with a knitting needle. Ha!

  8. Take pleasure in your Carolina weather and plot. Some of the spring bloomers haven't fully bloomed yet, but they're always lovely.

    1. We are, for sure. Just yesterday we were marveling at how pretty it is!

  9. Love your wrapped gifts!
    Glad you're exploring knitting. You will soon surpass us all, as you have with your crocheting skills.

    1. I don't know about that! But it's fun to try.

  10. Well, your post made perfect sense, despite your sleepy state! (Or did you go back and edit it later?) I like the "Free Range Roy" nickname, and the flowers and the adorably awkward baby birds!

    1. It was just happenstance that the post made sense - ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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