Sunday, May 16, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Twenty

It’s open enrollment time at work & it was really busy. I had to talk to many more employees than usual, plus had more new hires than usual. THEN my sister-in-law invited me to attend her company outing at our local baseball team’s game on Friday. All of that to say that this introvert slept until 11:00 yesterday and am just now feeling up to communicating with the outside world. You lucky guys!
Sunday, May 9th   
I’ve waited my whole life to be one of those people who knit at church.

I “took” Sue and Daddy out to lunch for Mother’s Day. By which I mean I met them there & Daddy paid. I’ve quit trying to argue. I did have a card for Sue, so I wasn’t a total slacko.

Meanwhile, Dr. M did a photo shoot of things around the yard. Here is our wildflower bed, which mainly has yellow flowers blooming. He has finally figured out what is filling up most of the rest of the bed, and if he’s right it will be quite lovely! It’s been fun how it’s different every year.

Monday, May 10th     
Dr. M’s body was crying out for vegetation, and he decided to oblige it.

Tuesday, May 11th  
Ironically, my car needed gas just as people in NC lost their minds & decided to hoard it. I didn’t have enough to make it back to work the next day & I was starting to be a little worried after I passed my fourth gas station with no gas, but this one close to home had quickly instituted a $20 limit so they still had some. Whew!

Meanwhile, my niece was at the cheerleading world championships in Orlando and won TWO trophies – a bronze for one team and a gold for another one. She is amazing.

Wednesday, May 12th       
I’ll spare you the photo of Dr. M’s toe, but I loved what he had to say about the situation: “So I kinda stubbed my toe and fell into the dirty clothes sorter...can a brother get a gentle wash and a tumble dry low?” P.S. I went in there to see what all the racket was about & found him huddling by the bin on the floor and he was ADORABLE. I should have taken a picture. P.P.S. I just realized this happened on Monday, but this is the day without a photo so the story is staying here.

Thursday, May 13th     
I was unstapling my gazillionth open enrollment packet & wondered how long after the invention of the stapler did someone decide to invent the staple remover. Seventy years! That’s crazypants. (Although I have not fact checked this history nugget, so take it with a grain of salt).

Dr. M helped mow his dad’s yard, except this ditch. He liked the look of the wildflowers.

Friday, May 14th    
Our peonies finally decided to bloom – so gorgeous! Plus Peaches the knockout rose is going gangbusters.

Photos from the baseball event. Yes, I took my knitting. Ha!

And speaking of my sister-in-law, my nephew graduated summa cum laude with his associate degree in mechatronics. So proud! He’s heading onto Old Dominion for his next degree.

Saturday, May 15th    
After I finally woke up yesterday I sat on the deck and crocheted for a while with the bolting basil and prehistoric looking geraniums. My temperature blanket is now resembling Wild Berry Skittles.

Later on we had a visit from Roy!

Well, the CDC and our governor have now told us that we can be mask free except in certain circumstances. So I’ve done a few maskless things, but it FEELS VERY WEIRD. I’m going to be playing this by ear. Will definitely still wear a mask when I go into a store. How are things where you are – are you going to stop wearing masks?


  1. The staple remover's a genius invention. I don't have one, and rarely have need, but I've learned that a beer bottle opener will do in a pinch. Like the yellow flowers; I see lantana, and coreopsis. Very nice! And condolences to Dr. M. I ran into a corner of the open dishwasher a while back and still haven't healed. Old skin is thin skin, I'm learning.

    1. It's technically Siberian wallflower, but yes, very lantana-like, and yes, lance-leaved coreopsis! We're going to have a ton of bee balm soon.

  2. We've been to two restaurants maskless recently. Well, SWMBO has been to two, I only got to go to one, (he said sulkily.) But since it was her birthday I guess she deserved it.

  3. Pinch that basil! It will branch out and you'll have a thriving, bushy plant.

    Ohio will lose all its health limits on June 2. I'm feeling anxious about it even though I've been vaxxed up since March. People are gross.

    1. We did pinch the basil! Well, we left one to see what it will look like because that's who we are as people :)

  4. I went to the market maskless and I don't wear one at the feed store or at SHARE but all other stores I still wear one. and the gas hoarding was just as ridiculous as the TP hoarding. the pipeline was only shut down for two days. the people caused the gas shortage by filling up barrels in the backs of trucks! this country is doomed by the rampant stupidity.

    1. It was nuts! I actually put the 4 gallons or so I had for mowing in Dana's car to add to the 7 gallons she got for $20. By the weekend, things were normalizing. Rampant stupidity, indeed.

  5. Our geraniums are looking "prehistoric" too. I don't know why they don't get bushier and less leggy. Even after I prune them they look like they're barely hanging on.

    Congrats to your niece! As soon as we get word here that we can ditch the masks, I'll be doing it. (Unless wherever I am asks me to continue wearing it, which is fine too.)

    1. I was talking to my cousin who is a hospice chaplain. She said that she'll probably be wearing a mask from now on when she's in patients' homes. I felt bad that my life will (basically) go back to normal, but hers has changed permanently.

  6. ROY!!!
    Oh no, you were in that gas mess. What a nightmare.
    I've always been that person who knits in church. or the doctor. or anywhere I have to sit.. or stand.

    1. I sometimes take my crochet with me, but for some reason I've never crocheted regularly at church. Oh wait - I know why - when do I ever crochet something that's mindless? Never - I always have to count & consult the pattern. Not easy to do in a waiting room!

  7. Your basil is bolting, mine is dying. What's up with that? I think critters are messing with some of my plants. :-(
    Interesting yarn you're knitting with.

  8. I think I will continue to wear a mask to any large store and will continue to "social distance". Your blanket is looking beautiful. If it were here, it would be mostly the same color with only a blip for the past February.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...