Sunday, May 22, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Twenty

This has been an absolutely lovely weekend! My cousin’s daughter got married and the wedding was gorgeous – stay tuned for lots of pictures. Of which none is a photo of the ginormous cupcake I ate – sorry Nance!
Sunday, May 15th        
Bee on the peony, lance leaved coreopsis, and Ms. Peach the heart shaped rose bush.

Monday, May 16th     
Dr. M made a very chunky vegetarian spaghetti sauce – it was delicious!

Tuesday, May 17th   
Dr. M & his dad doing some porch sitting. The Dr. Van Fleet rose is waning, but still lovely.

I voted on my way home. I forgot to get a sticker, but I did pick up this swag from a candidate I didn’t vote for. The mint was excellent.

Wednesday, May 18th         
The expected loveliness of peonies and the unexpected early arrival of a daylily.

Finally got to a warmer color on the historical temperature blanket I’m working on. This color combo reminds me of a piñata. Ha!

Thursday, May 19th       
Sweet William.

Friday, May 20th      
I took the day off of work to help set up for the wedding. The venue was really nice. Also, I was quite taken with the tiny little boxes of tissues that they had for the mothers and grandmothers of the bride (on the groom’s side they put it on his father’s chair – ha!).

Saturday, May 21st        
I didn’t really get any good photos of the bride, but she was just radiant. Check out the flowers on that huge mantle – they were amazing! Well, all the flowers were. And I was glad to get a “non-Christmas-gathering” photo of the four friends.

I’ll leave you with these blurry pictures of the father/daughter dance – it was a hoot!

I’ve spent today recovering from all the socializing. Hopefully I’ll be ready to face people again tomorrow when I go to work! How do you feel about big parties? Personally, I dread going, enjoy myself while I’m there, and then have to spend some quality time alone to recuperate.


  1. Peonies are my favorite! That venue looks so pretty. I am a very odd mix of extro/introvert. Love time with people, love alone time. One or two on one conversations are my fav.

    1. Same here - if there are more than a couple of people my voice gets lost anyway.

  2. I saw cake, though. LOL. The peonies are gorgeous. Mine are not yet out of bud. I'd love to bring a huge bouquet in, but they put Rick's allergies into overdrive, so I have to enjoy them in their habitat.

    Huge social gatherings exhaust me. I do fine, but inwardly, I feel myself depleting.

    1. Yes - sometimes I come home from these events and just stare at the wall. Mike tries to talk to me, but nothing is getting through. I. Am. Done. Ha!

  3. Yeah, that's pretty much my approach to big parties, too. Poor Kelli Moore, giving away her minty treats for nothing!

    1. I know - I felt kind of bad about it. At the same time I wish I'd gotten a handful of those mints.

  4. Also recovering from a big weekend. Graduation of girl who lived with us her last semester. We hosted her family, a house full of love and fun! And in a couple weeks we go to her wedding!
    Your colorful array of blooms and stitches are delightful!

    1. I miss your blog where I would have heard all about this event. I know it's a lot - but I did want you to know that I miss you!

    2. And, obviously, I've missed several of your posts! Just caught up now. Sometimes I miss Meemaw Memories, but am so focused on My Argentina life stories that makes up for it. You'd enjoy my latest two chapters, the powerful life story of my Argentine BFF.

  5. did you see the bee on the first peony picture? and yeah, that's me, dread going, have fun there, and no socializing the next day.

    1. Yes I did! I took a bunch of photos to try to get one where you could see it most clearly.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...