Sunday, June 5, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Twenty-two

I’m just exhausted by our country. It’s so hard to have any hope for our collective future. Sure, my life is currently fine – but it’s not me and mine that I worry about. I hope I’m being my usual Drama Queen self. I guess time will tell!

Meanwhile, in my little corner of the universe, we had flowers and crochet, rain and HOT days.
Sunday, May 29th         
1968 temperature blanket through April. I feel bad about how long it’s taking me to crochet this blanket, but as you can see it’s going to be a monster (probably rivaling the Monster of 2016). So far the recipient has seemed happy with how it’s coming along.

Monday, May 30th – Memorial Day     
We started out the day taking lunch to Dr. M’s dad. It’s always nice to take a little road trip with Dr. M – even if it’s just to someone else’s house.

Then I went to Daddy & Sue’s house to pick up some things I’d left there on Saturday and we finished a puzzle! This is the last Thomas Kincaid one – we’re moving on to other scenes now.

Finally, I did a photo shoot of the latest two afghan blocks. I’m pretty excited about how this blanket is going to turn out.

Tuesday, May 31st    
No photo. Busy Busy Busy day at work!
Wednesday, June 1st          
Today I pulled something in my back while sitting in a chair. Wait! I also turned over a document on my desk! And my body was like, “Simmer down lady.” (Note: later it felt better so it must have just been a twinge of some sort instead of an actual pulled muscle.)

Thursday, June 2nd        
No photo.
Friday, June 3rd       
Daylily after the rain.

Saturday, June 4th       
I enjoyed some deck sitting time after an absolutely crazy week of work (Lots of new hires and fires to put out. Wait – that sounded like the new hires were on fire. Well, some of them were going to work at the fire department, but there were no actual fires involved.). These are all photos of plants I could see from my chair.

Meanwhile, Dr. M took some photos from the front yard. The daylilies are going strong and the Black Eyed Susans are about to pop!

I went to church today (an excellent service), picked up fast food, wrote this post, and am planning on working on that ginormous blanket for a while. But I’m feeling VERY NAPPISH. I never take naps – I have trouble sleeping at night if I do – but it just might happen today! How about you – are you a napper?


  1. I took a nap today, that's for sure. I woke at 3 a.m. to the sight of a huge Palmetto bug trucking across the bedroom floor. By the time I dispatched it, I was fully awake with my adreline level far too high for going back to sleep, so I got up. I finished a post, got caught up with email, went to breakfast with a friend, went to the grocery store, and then -- at 10:30 a.m. -- proceeded to nap until 2:30. I may even go to bed a little early tonight, just to prepare myself for M*O*N*D*A*Y!

    1. Oh my - I would have totally had the same adrenaline rush after that experience! On the other hand, if I was asleep enough I might have just said "oh well" & rolled over. Ha!

  2. I’ve never been able to nap, much to my dismay. Even on headache days when I could really use one, I can only rest, not sleep.

    What a whirlwind of industry you were at work! No wonder you sustained an injury. 😉

    1. Ha! Yes - my sitting muscles were in overdrive! I wish I could nap, but the only times I've been able to is after surgery. Or if I am truly exhausted (instead of the "exhausted" I claim to be most of the time).

  3. I am not a napper except rarely I'll doze in the late afternoon for about half an hour. How do you know the temperatures every day in 1968? I can't even find them for a few days past.

  4. Here is the website I use: But I looked up Wharton & apparently the closest they can get is Houston (at least for older temps).

  5. Oh yes, I have become a napper in my senior years. I don't know why, exactly. I usually sleep fairly well at night. I guess I've found that I ENJOY my naps!

    1. I really wish I could nap! I think it would make Sunday afternoons a lot more pleasant!

  6. I love that temp blanket. Beautiful colors with colors being the key word. Here, I fear, 88% would all be the hot color.

  7. I always enjoy reading your blog, Dana. Keep it up! As for naps - I love them. I especially enjoy a nice nap on Sunday afternoon with my pets.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...