Sunday, November 13, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Forty-five

Today is Dr. M’s birthday! We masked up & went to the local Honey’s IGA & got lunch and a cookies & cream brownie situation & now I’m in a sort of sugar coma so we shall see how coherent I can be. I will say that we were still COVIDing in our household, so things were pretty quiet this week.
Sunday, November 6th             
No photo.
Monday, November 7th   
Somebody came by for a treat!

Tuesday, November 8th         
Dr. M was still feeling pretty crappy, but he put on a mask & did his civic duty. NC was, as expected, a disappointment, but my goodness was this election a nice surprise!

The moon!

Wednesday, November 9th                   
The back deck cosmos still looking lovely.

Thursday, November 10th            
I feel like my cough drop wrapper was being a little aggressive with its affirmations.

We were still feeling congested & yucky, so Dr. M made his world-famous chicken soup with quinoa (ok, maybe it’s just Bug Household famous). It was so good!

Friday, November 11th           
I stayed home from work, hoping that a long weekend would help me feel better. I spent the day crocheting and playing on my iPad, and not taking pictures.
Saturday, November 12th       
Went to my dad’s today where chaos reigned! I’m sure we’ll whip this puzzle into shape in no time. And then after I got home I FINISHED THE FREAKING GINORMOUS BLANKET!!! Well, I still have a jillion ends to weave in, but the crocheting is done. Can’t wait to get it totally finished & do a photoshoot. And give it to the recipient. And forget it exists. (Just kidding – I’m pretty stoked about this project.)

Today, finally, I actually feel like I’m on the mend. Minimal coughing, no sneezing, no congestion, my energy level is more normal. I’m ready to get back to a more normal schedule, with a bit of exercise, clear-headed work, and visiting with family. Hopefully Dr. M will soon be feeling 100% too! How about you? You feeling ok these days?


  1. Get well. Stay well. Be well. Well, you know what I mean.

  2. It took me well over a week before I felt really well from whatever it was I had a while back. I taught my grandgirl Robin to crochet years ago when she was still coming for her summer visit but never really went beyond a basic chain stitch. Well yesterday we went and got some yarn because she wanted to crochet a hat so the crochet lessons started up again.

    1. I felt great Sunday & Monday & am back to feeling puny today. Very annoying!

  3. I'm excited to see the giant afghan now finished. I started one for my bed last fall but had to put it aside during the hot, long, hot summer. Plan to pick it back up now though. Lovely pictures and I may have to buy the cough drops just for the wrapper!

    1. Yeah - it was hard to work on that thing during August - whew! I had to arrange it so only a bit was on my lap at a time.

    2. It's such a huge project! Honestly, if I had to price it, it would by in the $10,000-15,000 range in terms of material and hours labor.

  4. So glad you're seeing the end of your illness. Being sick is awful. And that cough drop wrapper would have heard plenty from me.

    NC could not have been as big a disappointment as OH was. I hate this bloody red corrupted state. Thank goodness I had the rest of the election to make me happy.

    Fingers crossed that you wake up one day this week and you're entirely well.

    1. I'm back to feeling puny today - but that's possibly because I only got about 6 hours of sleep (entirely my fault - reading too late).

  5. I laughed at your cough drop wrapper. I still grump from time to time about Chinese fortune cookies making the change from real fortunes to aphorisms. I don't want a pithy saying in my cookie; I want to know when my riches are going to arrive! Happy birthday to Dr. M, and happy feeling good to you! What's that taped to your front door?

    1. I can't believe I didn't get a better picture of it! It was a sign that Dr. M created - the photo says something like "Plague House" & underneath he put "Seriously - COVID positive couple inside." He put it up for Halloween.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...