Sunday, November 6, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Forty-four

It’s just all COVID all the time here in the Bug household – it made for an exciting week of photos! <= Insert sarcasm font here.
Sunday, October 30th             
Just making official what I already suspected (although for real I thought I was just having an allergic reaction to dust).

Dr. M masked up & went on a supply run. His travelling companion had an over-inflated view of himself.

Monday, October 31st  
Not feeling great, but also not a napper.
Tuesday, November 1st        
I guess this was inevitable, especially since I was contagious for a few days before I even had symptoms.

Wednesday, November 2nd                  
I put my socks on the wrong feet. Some sort of commentary on my life?

Thursday, November 3rd            
My CDC mandated 5 days of quarantine were over (and I had been fever free for 24 hours). I was still pretty congested, but happy to be out of the house doing something different than sitting on my butt. Also, my coworkers were happy to see me. Ha!

Meanwhile, Dr. M was having a weird day. “Covid-19 does strange things: “delivered” Amazon packages vanish before your very eyes, sheep frolic about nude in the light of day, you feel like you’re being watched, perfectly functional documents from your laptop refuse to function when loaded to Google Drive. Mostly, you just get sick and tired of being sick and tired…” (Note, the packages showed up on Saturday – I guess the neighbor who got them by accident didn’t have time to mess with them before that.)

Friday, November 4th           
Who wore it better?

Saturday, November 5th       
What a weird week, capped off by this lovely bloom from the deck planter.

We both are fever free, but still full of phlegm and fatigue. Meanwhile, the time has changed (ugh – I’m one of the “hate it gets dark so early” people), and tomorrow it’s supposed to get up to 80 degrees. What the heck – my toes are not ready for public consumption, but my feet are hot just thinking about wearing shoes with socks. Life is so weird. How are you doing in your neck of the woods? 


  1. Well, the Astros won the World Series, so there's that. Needless to say, a lot of people are very happy. The big parade is tomorrow, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a good crowd gathered. Some delightful players emerged in these weeks, like the rookie Jeremy Pena. I'm looking forward to seeing him play in the future; he's under contract for five years, I think.

    Otherwise, it's warmish here, too, but at least we've had some rain. The ground is soft to walk on now, and there are occasional small puddles still around. We need much, much more, but every bit helps. For some odd reason, there didn't seem to be much hoopla about the time change this year. I set my clocks back on Saturday afternoon, and went right on. Of course, I only had three to mess with. The tricky one is the pendulum clock. I can't run it backwards; it has to change forward. That means stopping it and letting the time 'catch up' with whatever it shows, then starting it again. It's not hard for someone with a memory!

    1. That Jeremy Pena is ADORABLE. So cute. And of course Altuve is a perennial favorite of mine.

      I wonder how many days it would take for me to get the pendulum clock right? Ha!

  2. THE TIME CHANGE---UGH ARRGGGHHH!!!! It's a Hate Crime; I hate it a lot.
    The cats are completely off their schedules and bothering me intensely.

    I feel like that's way worse than covid.

    Just kidding. I'm so sorry you're feeling like crap. It's not fair that this virus is still hanging around after all this time. THAT'S the hate crime.

    80 degrees! If you put on your swimsuit and lie out in the sun, will that bake the germs out of you? Is it worth a try? Feel better soon. XO

    1. The thing is, my bout with COVID will soon be a thing of the past - the time change is HERE FOREVER (at least as far as I can tell). Grump grump grump.

      Me in a swimsuit would not be in anyone's best interest. However, maybe I should try it anyway. Ha!

  3. Naked frolicking sheep - cool! Glad you both are better now. It's still hot here - in the mid to upper 80's with very high humidity. Ugh.

    1. Yesterday was so weird - warm & humid. Today however, we're more back to normal.

  4. Sorry to hear The Rona ran thru your household. We have a Multigenerational Household so that's how 2021 went for us too, bound to happen, at least none of us Old Timers Died since we were fully Vaxxed, Boosted and stubbornly Survived against our Comorbidity Odds that Docs say are so grim. Hopefully you make a full Recovery and have no Long Hauler Symptoms that linger. Naked frolicking of Sheep, we had none of that here and we own a Mini Farm, you have all the Fun Stuff apparently when you have a Fever! *Winks*

    1. I'm glad you guys came through ok! We're still hacking, but I tested negative last night so there is some progress.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...