Saturday, February 11, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Six

February in North Carolina is so weird. It’s warm(ish). It’s cold. It’s brown brown brown and flashes of yellow. It’s the slow return of the light and yet spring seems eons away. And it’s when pitchers and catchers report to training camp.
Sunday, February 5th               
I did a little photo shoot of the new too-small hat so I could post it on the socials to see if anyone wanted it (someone did!).

Monday, February 6th          
Started out wearing a scarf & then turned it into a shawl because it was too warm.

Tuesday, February 7th               
Dr. M had his annual wellness check today & found out that he’s drifting closer to type 2 diabetes. It runs in his family, but it’s still a bummer. There will need to be some dietary changes in the Bug household. On the other hand, we have daffodils!

Meanwhile, Dad & Sue are ruthlessly cleaning out the basement (in advance of some mold remediation work). I came home with the Kenya bag I gave my mom (from when I was in Zambia), my high school cap & gown, and some old yearbooks. I did NOT bring home the trunk ‘o dolls – even though I could remember the name of the brunette on top (Linda McKay – she was the second doll I remember naming. The first one was Wagons. Don’t ask.).

Wednesday, February 8th                       
No photo.
Thursday, February 9th                 
I might have a Cheeto problem (found a 2nd half eaten bag when I went to put the 1st one away. Oops.).

Friday, February 10th              
It was just a bit foggy on my way to work.

Saturday, February 11th        
Valentine flowers! Made me smile when Dr. M brought them through the door.

Dr. M has continued to do genealogy work on my family tree & now we’re pretty sure that someone in my ancestry married someone in his. My dad says, seven degrees of Kevin Bacon! Ha! That’s what I get for marrying someone from the neighboring county. How about you? If you have a significant other, are you kin to them?  


  1. Well, I've tried three times to sign in and keep getting a note that I have to check my browser configurations to allow sign in. So, shoreacres will have to stay anonymous, since I can't get the site to allow my name and URL, either. Pfffft!

    Anyway, as I was about to say... I grinned when I saw you mention pitchers and catchers reporting to camp, and I love those flowers. Dr. M knows how to do it! I like that gray hat, too -- maybe because it matches my hair. As for the Cheetos, did you ever watch NCIS? One of the characters -- Ellie -- used to contend that Cheeto dust was the perfect snack. In some way I can't remember, it helped to transfer information to the mind. I need to get some Cheetos!

    1. Oof - so sorry Blogger is giving you fits. I've given up on trying to log into it on a mobile device (phone or iPad), but it usually works for me on a PC.

      I am going to have to investigate this cheeto dust business!!

  2. I'm glad your hat found a home. Chuckling about a doll named Wagons. It reminds me of Ramona Quimby who named her doll Chevrolet.
    Cheetos--my nemesis. I had to break up with them ages ago. I have a restraining order against them, and they haven't been in my house for years and years.

    1. I had forgotten about Chevrolet! And yes, I recall your Cheeto breakup - very sad but necessary. I was going to say that I should probably break up with them too, but Shoreacres has intrigued me with the dust story. Ha!

  3. North Carolina and my part of Texas must be on the same weather stream. Today nearly 80 degrees, tomorrow just over 50! I try to never walk past the Cheetos isle. "Get thee away ......" and all that.

    1. Cheetos are orangy salty goodness, but really need to be consumed in moderation (which I'm pretty sure I've never met Moderation - wonder what she looks like?).

  4. We are all related, it turns out.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...