Sunday, February 19, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Seven

I’ve been training someone new at work – she’s going to take over some of my current data entry. While I actually enjoy data entry, I’m excited to see what I can do with my extra time (I have some ideas). And she’s going to be a great addition to the team. But working closely with someone really brings out my introvert. Poor Dr. M – I’ve been a vegetable this past week.
Sunday, February 12th               
Lots of photos today! First of all, I thought I’d try stir fried oatmeal for breakfast, but it wasn’t really worth the effort. It was super tasty (especially because “the last bit of cheese” in the bag was probably 1/2 cup). But I can get the same results faster & with less mess in the microwave.

We had a potluck at church, and then afterward I went to Dad & Sue’s and FINISHED THE PUZZLE! HUZZAH! It looks innocent, but it was a bear. Pretty though.

After I got home I worked on a headband while we watched the Super Bowl. It was a good game, but my favorite part was Sheryl Lee Ralph singing the Black National Anthem (one of my favorites to sing myself, although I’m not as talented as she is).

Monday, February 13th          
Trying to use up the last of the gray yarn that I used for last week’s hat, I made a flower applique. I sent it with the hat along with a bit of yarn in case the recipient wants to attach it.

Tuesday, February 14th               
Took my car for a MUCH needed bath. It was a pretty psychedelic experience. Ha!

Wednesday, February 15th                       
Dr. M had cleaned the lens on the backup camera on my car. Never having had one before I just thought they sucked, but wow what a difference! Then I was looking at my parking job on Wednesday & told him I could really use a front camera as well. How can we make that happen?

Thursday, February 16th                 
My bestie got me a new bracelet with this year’s word of the year (walk – as in “in the light” and “move your ass” and “with the marginalized” etc.). Also, I took a jillion photos trying to get a selfie and landed on this one, which I captioned: "Get you someone who looks at you the way I look at my phone."  

Friday, February 17th              
Driving to work in the pouring rain, and this song came on. Indeed.

That evening Dr. M made mulligatawny soup! The recipe he used had apples in it and I feel like they made all the difference. Well, I also enjoyed the dollop of Greek yogurt & cilantro. Yum!

Saturday, February 18th        
Possibly (probably) none of you will care at all about this, but the Carolina Hurricanes hockey team played an outdoor game at NC State’s football field and it was AMAZING. So much fun. Lots of hoopla, and fun NC State tributes (the opening montage with Jimmy Valvano was excellent), and the Canes won handily. They have a great team this year. Will we win the Stanley Cup? We shall see!

I’m excited about my upcoming birthday (March 3) because that means we’re inching closer to spring and more light and warmer weather. However, I’m already having allergy issues, which is just rude. I might have to add to my current regimen (Claritin). Do any of you have allergies? What do you do that helps?


  1. I don't wear jewelry, but I love your bracelets and the thoughts behind them. Where can I get one? I especially like the Walk bracelet.

    Stirfry oatmeal...I cannot wrap my head around it. Is it already cooked and then you stirfry it with other ingredients?

    I heard that pitchers and catchers have reported to spring training! It won't be long now; spring is on its way!

    1. The bracelets come from MudLove. I like that they donate some of their proceeds for clean water.

      I'm not sure what I was attempting with the oatmeal. Yes, it was already cooked - I was basically reheating it. Who knows what was going on in my head.

      And YES - very excited about pitchers & catchers!

  2. That Mulligatawny soup sounds good. I may have to try it.

  3. I had no idea what Mulligatawny is. Somehow, I'd gotten it associated with Pennsylvania Dutch culture. Hardly. Lookie what I found: "Mulligatawny soup is Sri Lankan and came over to Tamil Nadu during the British Raj. The word Mulligatawny comes from the Tamil language. It is an amalgamation of ‘milagu’ (pepper) and ‘tunes’ (water), known as ‘pepper water’. " I like Indian food, so I'm going to have to look at some recipes and give it a whirl!

    1. Well, once again -- that was me up there!

    2. This anonymous business is so weird! Fortunately I allow anonymous comments on my blog. And yes - definitely check out the soup!

  4. I had horrible allergies as a kid but then I outgrew them by the time I was 20. I'm not going to comment on your breakfast.

  5. Lovely week you had. I actually watched that hockey game! Great fun!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...