Sunday, March 19, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Eleven

I did a terrible job of making sure to have a photo every day. Fortunately Dr. M helped me out on a few days. Whew!
Sunday, March 12th               
I started out the day by falling sound asleep after my first alarm because I forgot to set my second alarm. Fixed that! Then I went to dad & Sue’s for lunch (tasty!), puzzle working (fun!), and an editorial comic that my dad cut out (inside joke). It was a good day!

Monday, March 13th          
We were watching a random hockey game and the crowd started singing the Star Spangled Banner once they realized that the microphone for the singer wasn’t working. Which was cool – but what made it cooler was the game was in Toronto. Could you sing the Canadian National Anthem? I can sing, “O Canada! Our home and native land…” and that’s about it.

Tuesday, March 14th                 
No photo.
Wednesday, March 15th                         
No photo.
Thursday, March 16th                  
Spent a little time very quickly completing my bracket. And if you’ve been paying attention you will note that it’s already trash. I’m not sure I’ve ever been quite this bad!

I was in the bathroom at work & realized that my necklace was having a disco ball effect. Ha!

And then The Roy came by for a visit! He’s having some health issues, so Dr. M did some extra loving on the old guy.

Friday, March 17th                
I didn’t get a photo of my green, but Dr. M got one of his.

Saturday, March 18th        
Dr. M brought in the last daffodil, but our phlox is just showing off these days!

I had a kind of blue week – not for any specific reason. Just didn’t feel quite like myself. But I plugged along and here we are on Sunday, ready to start a new week. Hopefully it’s a little more upbeat. How was your week?


  1. Gloriosky! I figured out how to be able to use Google to sign in on your blog! If you come across anyone using Firefox who's having trouble with Blogger, send them my way and I'll share the trick.

    That phlox is glorious! I had a friend whose parents had phlox that fertilized within an inch of its life, and it grew as high as the garage eaves. When they finally decided to dig it out, the root ball turned out to be the size of a really big beach volleyball.

    Roy looks grayer than I remember him. It could be the view through the door, but age does take a toll. Extra scritches always help with the aging process! I'm not following the bball tournament much, and I wouldn't have a clue how to fill out a bracket, but I am interested in the Houston Cougars -- I hope they do well. They've been well rated, but have some injuries that may make taking the whole thing impossible. No matter; they've had a great year.

    1. Yay! I'm glad you figured it out! Yes, Roy is getting on up there in dog years. It will be a sad day when he's no longer with us.

  2. Maybe you're just coming off your Birthday High.

    As usual, our spring was nipped in the bud--literally--by some cold, wintry weather. You know how March is in Ohio. It's nice to see yours is continuing apace.

    I couldn't care less about college basketball, but I always find a name I like and hope they win: this year it's Fairleigh Dickinson. So lilting and so literary!

    1. It's 35 degrees here right now (in the 20s this morning). I am not amused - ha!

      Sadly, Fairleigh Dickinson didn't prevail last night. Sigh.

  3. I've never understood why the calendar starts the new week on sunday when the bible says rested on the 7th day and Sunday is church day so wouldn't Sunday be the last day of the week?
    March Madness? What dat? Even more so, who cares?

    1. I totally agree about the calendar. Yet, when I've gotten calendars that do start on Monday I cannot. I've been so indoctrinated that I just can't deal. Ha!

  4. To be fair, you do still have two of your Final Four teams with a reasonable chance to be playing each other in the semifinals. Xavier and Gonzaga were solid picks. Virginia? Not so much.

    1. Yeah - it's nice to see that 2 of the 64 teams I picked are still in it. Ha!

  5. There can't be any perfect brackets after this bloody weekend.

  6. I'm glad you made it through your blue week and hope this one's better. The phlox are amazing! And I always love to see the Roy.

    If I were that singer at the hockey game I'd be super-annoyed about the microphone!

    1. She seemed to think it was kind of funny - and it worked for the Canadian anthem. Weird!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...