Sunday, March 26, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Twelve

This is the week that I thought that maybe spring really was going to arrive – and also when I got overheated & started dreading summer. What can I say? I have about a three degree window of comfort.
Sunday, March 19th               
I didn’t take a real picture this this day. This one happened by accident while I was ordering KFC for the family after church. The food was good, and I had a nice time with my dad, Sue, my brother & sister-in-law. And the puzzle, who at this point is also a member of the family.

Monday, March 20th          
I got Dr. M a bunch of Baby Bels & thought I’d be cute putting them in a bowl in the fridge. (Instead of in the “cheese drawer” where we have to stand on our heads to fish them out from the bottom.)

Tuesday, March 21st                 
It was the 18th anniversary of my mom’s death and it hit me a little harder this year for some reason. But I came home from work & Dr. M & I made a really good dinner & watched hockey so that helped.

Wednesday, March 22nd                          
I had a fasting blood test in the morning & then as a treat I got myself a livermush & egg sandwich. It was so good!

Thursday, March 23rd                   
These are old things that I was thinking about waking up.

Friday, March 24th                
Dr. M, living his best life on our deck. It was a gorgeous day!

During lunch I walked at the YMCA track with a friend, got very hot and thought my legs would fall off, AND we saw this enormous beautiful cat with a little fish in its mouth! It insisted on sitting in the shade so these photos are over processed and you still can’t really see the fish (in the cat’s mouth in the photo on the right).

Saturday, March 25th        
One of Dr. M’s dad’s most steady friends and a huge support to us passed away last Saturday. They had his service today and afterward I saw this four leave clover in Dr. M’s dad’s yard. Boy, Danny will be sorely missed – not just because he regularly spent time with my father-in-law, but because he was an all-round great guy.

A couple of weeks ago I “tweaked” my right knee by turning in my kitchen. And it hasn’t really been getting any better because do you know how many times you turn your body but leave your knee facing the other way? It especially seems to happen a lot in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, while getting dressed, at work… Oof. The good news is that bending my knee doesn’t hurt when it’s not twisted. Anyway, getting old is so much fun! How are you doing?


  1. Livermush! Haven't heard that for a long time. From Illinois, and they have their own regional treat.

    1. When I lived in Ohio I really missed having regular access to livermush :)

  2. A four-leaf clover! That's pretty cool. I don't know what livermush is but it sounds disgusting.

    1. Yeah - I probably don't want to know what's IN it. It doesn't really taste like liver. It's seasoned more like sausage.

  3. You'll probably be happier if you leave those toys in their comas. They're fun at first, but then they get annoying and needy. Who needs that?

    I thought Spring was coming in like gangbusters, what with February being so warm and March getting ahead of itself, but we're settling down a lot and becoming more normal now. But wow! the robins are all over the place!

    1. My supervisor at UU always loved seeing "those fat robins from down south" come back to central Ohio!

    2. Yes - I especially remember the Tamagotchi being a total brat & waking me up at all hours. Ha!

  4. Not worth a damn. But you don't need to hear about that.

  5. my afib was acting up yesterday and I was feeling a little lightheaded but I went to yoga and ended up leading the class so Abby could go to her son's little league game.

    1. Oof - I hope yoga was helpful with your afib (or does it matter if you're being mindful or not?).

  6. Somehow I missed this post - I've been obsessing over work deadlines, I guess. I think your livermush is what we called liverwurst, which is a kind of sausage. I liked it a lot, but 'livermush' as a name sort of puts me off! I know about those twisted knees. It happens to me every now and then, and I always have a minute of panic while I figure out whether I've put myself out of commission!

    1. I think it's a little different than liverwurst (I looked it up - liverwurst is made from actual liver, while livermush is not & I'm not going to go into more details here because I didn't really want to know - ha!).


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...