Sunday, April 2, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Thirteen

In case you were wondering, my knee still hurts. I did decide to mostly take it easy this week & increased my use of ice on it. I know you are excited to have this update.
Sunday, March 26th               
This is an unattractive photo of a DELICIOUS lunch. I had half of a Hardee’s Frisco burger from the day before & I put some guacamole on it & turned it into the best thing ever (ß hyperbole, but still…).

Monday, March 27th          
I regret to inform you that I’ve corrupted Dr. M. And he even took it a step further: fried egg on oatmeal with raisins!

Later, he wondered around the yard looking for beauty.

Tuesday, March 28th                 
I had an unexpected trip home during lunch & spent my own time rambling in the yard. Not pictured: a completely zonked bumblebee. I swear I could almost hear it snoring. 

Wednesday, March 29th                           
Sometimes, on a random Wednesday, you have to spend your lunch hour in your car taking a bajillion selfies because what is even going on in the world.

Meanwhile, Dr. M in his happy place.

Went by Dad & Sue’s on the way home and finished the latest puzzle! It had a lot of really interestingly shaped pieces. Fun!

Thursday, March 30th                  
Things Dr. M saw at his dad’s house.

Friday, March 31st                 
Dr. M got our spring hanging basket – verbena! 

Saturday, April 1st        
I started the week with food and I’m ending it with food. This time it’s half of a Jason’s Deli Texacado Toast: fresh avocados, roasted corn and black bean mix, cheddar, jalapeño ranch, on toasted Mexican-style bread with salsa. I added the fried egg. Yum! Also half of a Smores Crumbl Cookie. It was a good food day.

This week was full of tragedy and also some good things, which I guess isn’t that unusual. But it’s still hard to go from one to the other back to back to back. I’m going to spend some time today reading uncontroversial and life-giving things (one of which is a Christian romance bodice ripper that was included in a set with a J.D. Robb novella and I’ve just got to see how they pull that off – or rather DON’T pull it off because I hope to heaven that the plot doesn’t include actual bodice ripping). How are you spending your Sunday?


  1. Was going to do Creamy Pesto Chicken Tortellini but herself's tummy was misbehaving so she'll have chicken rice soup and I'll have leftovers of last night's rotini with homemade pasta sauce.

  2. I don't eat eggs anymore. They always bother my stomach for some reason. I try not to eat raisins because I simply dislike them and always have. But I'll make and eat guacamole anytime (if Rick loved it as much as I do).

    Our magnolia trees are going to burst this week, and I cannot wait. The forsythia are about to go, too. Spring is happening in fits and starts here, so I'm feeling pretty good.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that spring is happening for you!

  3. A Christian romance bodice-ripper? THAT sounds intriguing. Do tell!

    That puzzle looks like a challenge. Which I guess is the point.

    1. Well, it wasn't as exciting as it sounds. And the bodice didn't rip because she just took it off her own self and now I have no idea what to think about anything anymore. Ha!

  4. fried egg on oatmeal...why? eat the egg, eat the oatmeal. lots of bloomy things up your way. I love the creeping phlox.

    1. I think it's that I wanted a healthier alternative to grits, and I've always grown up eating fried eggs in grits. Otherwise, I don't really have anything to say for myself.

  5. here. Google is messing with me. Your spring flowers are beautiful. I will check back at my hometown area in Illinois,to see if lilacs are blooming.

    1. Our Ohio neighbor had a gorgeous lilac bush. We've moved, and he & his wife have since passed away. I hope whoever has their house tends that bush well!

  6. I'm still thinking about egg and oatmeal. Personally, I'm a nuts and fruit gal when it comes to oatmeal -- and a little cinnamon if I remember it. What happened to your knee? I guess I missed that, too. I did have quite an exciting experience recently; a neighbor's dog bit me and left four big puncture wounds in my upper thigh. The good news is that my tetanus shot's up to date now, and the doggie had its shots, so a week's worth of antibiotics should do the trick. My poor neighbor was beside himself. The dog was on its leash, and the fellow and I were just talking. Who can explain the mind of a dog?

    1. I think I might have sprained it sometime in March. It wasn't a huge deal, but it's still bothering me so not it's very annoying!

      YIKES about the dog bite! They're such complex creatures (even though they seem simple).


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...