Saturday, April 15, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Fifteen

There are a LOT of pictures this week. That’s just how it happens sometimes, so go ahead & get a second cup of coffee (ewww) and settle in.
Sunday, April 9th - Easter    
We had a lovely early(ish) service with brunch afterward. The quilt was made by one of our new members. Gorgeous!

Stopped by Dad & Sue’s. She was still at church, but dad & I finished the latest puzzle.

I posted this on the socials: Is this one of my weird food combos? I’m no longer able to tell. (Lettuce, guacamole, hummus, egg, with Greek dressing & tortilla strips.) It was really good!

Finally, my cousin sent a photo of the puppy who had worn himself out playing with his new toy. Adorable.

Monday, April 10th            
I sent this photo to my hairdresser (who happens to be the puppy’s mom) & said that I needed cleanup on aisle 3. She got me in the next day.

Tuesday, April 11th                  
A random collage: I was wearing a knitted necklace made by one of my Ohio church friends, I still can’t park, and I got to watch the puppy while I was getting my hair trimmed.

Dr. M’s aunt came by to visit with him and his dad and she took this photo of the two of them.  

Wednesday, April 12th                           
Dr. M took a photo of the azalea “carpet” at his dad’s house. Love it!

Also, sheep!

Thursday, April 13th                  
As I said on the socials: I was today years old (59. I’m 59 years old) when it occurred to me to bring a blanket to the dentist. I usually just sit & shiver (reaction to the anxiety I feel) but no more! I had broken a tooth Monday night so I was there getting a crown. (Note the cameo by the Bobbly out the window)

Friday, April 14th                  
After the rain: azaleas, Siberian wallflowers, the bee balm army rising, peonies (!!!), day lilies rising, and our little sweet bubby (Carolina Allspice) bush!

Saturday, April 15th         
Did some deck sitting, remembering when Pinky was just a seedling in a can (16 years ago!).

It’s Saturday night, and I’m already looking forward to family lunch tomorrow (a repeat of the Texacado Toast I had the other week). But between now & then I have to make the beds, pick out what I’m going to wear, and remember to go to church (I’m lector). What’s on your plate (literally & figuratively) this weekend?


  1. That quilted banner is gorgeous. I like the colors, and the stained glass effect. On the other hand, the puppy and playtoy is a darned nice combination. I was looking at your tortilla strips and wondering: are you a Chick-fil-A customer? They have crisp red pepper salad toppers that I really like. I always ask for an extra packet of them, but I've looked and looked for something similar in the grocery story, and can't find a thing. Do you know of anything? The Chick-fil-A version is a little spicy, and that's what I like. There's no way I'm going to roast and season my own peppers!

    I miss peonies -- and tulips and forsythia and pussy willows. Thank goodness I have bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush as consolation prizes!

    1. I haven't tried those yet! I don't get Chick-fil-A very often, but I'll keep an eye out.

  2. I see spring has made it up your way and yes it's a weird food combo. sheesh, you have to ask? I don't think I've ever seen a doorway shaped quite like that one at Dr. M's dad's house.

    1. That doorway used to be a regular door, but when they remodeled the house (33 years ago) they created that archway to make it a little more open between the kitchen & dining room.

  3. I have finally reached the point where your food combos don't faze me. This one was actually pedestrian.

    We've had a very summery week here, so everything is popping up and blooming. Naturally, we're back to NEO Reality tomorrow, but it was lovely while it lasted.

    1. Well I sort of thought it was almost in the normal food range. Glad you got some spring. As I recall, May was my favorite month in Ohio - hopefully your May will be fabulous.

  4. Birthdays, birthdays, birthdays. My son's was yesterday and he said he spent it quietly, just entertaining the grandkids! HIS grandkids, which makes them my GREAT-grandkids. A friend I worked with "a few" years ago is celebrating his 75th today. Gadfrey, I'm getting old. And another one for me is less than a week away.

    1. Happy Happy Birthday to all of the people in your life - and YOU!

  5. thecontemplativecat here. That quilt is exquisite! Not an easy pattern at all! 59 yr. old is great. Now, 71 on the other hand...

    1. I thought it was lovely too. She of course said that she just works until she's done - but I think there's definite skill involved.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...