Sunday, September 17, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven

I’m having technical difficulties today so the format of this post will (probably) be a little different. It’s entirely possible that I’m the only one who will notice or care, but just in case someone is invested in how my posts look, take heed!
Sunday, September 10th       
As I mentioned last week, we had the installation service for our pastor. It was a big deal! Lots of prominent local pastoral folks in attendance, and a beautiful service. People love our Sandi - it reinforces the good decision we made to keep her!

While I was being a church lady, Dr. M was enjoying the beautiful day.

Monday, September 11th                 
My bestie’s birthday! We met & had a pedicure together (my first one in about 10 years). I took no photos of our day, so here are my toes.

Tuesday, September 12th                     
Heather the Porch Sheep got a new mum for the fall (not that I’m conceding that it’s fall). 

Wednesday, September 13th                              
Peaches is blooming again - such a welcome sight in our yard.

Thursday, September 14th                          
Why yes, I had avocado toast AGAIN. I went to the dentist this morning because on Sunday I had developed quite a bit of tooth pain. I thought maybe I had just inflamed something, but it got worse instead of better. And now I have an appointment scheduled for a root canal (I also need a crown on another tooth, but that can wait until our benefit year starts over - I’m about to max out my dental benefit for this year). The dentist prescribed steroids & antibiotics to help with the pain & I’m feeling a LOT better.

Friday, September 15th                          
I reposted this picture of 5th grade Danabug & my niece noted how much my great-nephew looks like me from the nose down. Awww - since he’s adorable I will have to agree.

Saturday, September 16th                 
Lots of photos from today. Firstly I had brunch with friends. We had such a good time! And talked for over 2 hours. (Note: this is my nod to weird food because I had livermush with my grits & eggs.)
This series of photos of K made me laugh. I think all three of us were just this animated during our time together - but she’s the one who’s getting immortalized on my blog.
When I got home from brunch I had happy mail! Two new glasses toppers, and a sticker for my water bottle.
THEN, I met my brother & sister-in-law, & Dad & Sue at a local pizza place where we celebrated his birthday. We went to his house afterward & had his fabulous maraschino cherry brownies. Yum! Happy birthday dad!

I stayed home today - it’s rainy and I needed another people break. Currently watching the Braves who are losing their 3rd game in a row (they clinched their division title on Wednesday and are now flatter than a flitter). They’re still the best team in baseball, but they need to get it together to stay there. Ah well, it’s still been an AMAZING season. And as Dr. M is thinking as he reads this: chill out dear Bug - this is a blip, not the end! What are you being over-dramatic about this weekend?


  1. I'm such a huge fan of avocado toast. Lately, I've discovered Dave's Killer Bread (the 20 Seed variety), and it's so, so good. Highly recommend for toast of any kind. Add some tomato to that avocado toast. Instant wonderfulness.

    1. It's the perfect simple lunch - I just add salt & pepper & I'm a happy camper!

  2. I'm suddenly confused about your glasses. Is that the same pair? Do you get thingies that you can stick onto them to make them different? Surely not -- it looks like one pair is sunglasses and the other isn't. So many questions! When you get right down to it, I have other questions: like, who in the world would eat something called livermush? And what is it? It sounds sort of terrible, but that would make it a perfect food choice for you -- right?

    No drama for me, except for this: after two weeks of nagging the post office -- in person! -- about a missing package, it finally turned up in my mailbox on Saturday. It arrived at the correct p.o., was misdirected to the wrong p.o., got marked "addressee unknown/return to sender" and then disappeared. When it finally arrived, it had been marked 'intercepted' in magic marker. Who knows? It's the post office!

    1. It IS the same pair! The frame toppers are magnetic & just fasten to the frames. All of them except for the sunglasses have empty holes where the lenses are. I'll do a little photo shoot of what it looks like.

      I'm glad you got your package!

  3. well, that was a busy week full of people.

  4. Oh, finally getting the doctor appointments Judy needs for pre-surgical clearances for her knee replacement. Sometimes it's a struggle to get any cooperation from doctors' office crews it seems. But on a happier note, raving about Bill Nighy's performance in the movie "Living". A must-see on Netflix if you haven't yet.

    1. I saw your review on your blog - we'll have to check it out!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...