Sunday, September 10, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six

Food pics and glasses – that’s what I’ve got for you this week.
Sunday, September 3rd       
Our music director played Bridge Over Troubled Water during communion & for some reason that really got me in my feels.

Then I went to Dad & Sue’s & had another perfect waffle. Thanks Dad!

Monday, September 4th                 
We took hotdogs to Dr. M’s dad for lunch. Tasty!

Tuesday, September 5th                     
Dr. M’s brunch. Look! He remembered to eat his toast!

Wednesday, September 6th                              
My new glasses came in & I wore them to work. Felt super cute. Ha!

Thursday, September 7th                          
Went to Dad & Sue’s during lunch (they were out of town) and enjoyed some introvert time. (Note: it looks like I'm wearing stockings, but that's just my very white feet.)

Friday, September 8th                          
Finally set up the shadowbox calendar for September. There are two September birthdays so I got to use two of the squares Dr. M painted. The one has a penguin, a turtle, a clown, and a bear on it – it represents my group of college friends (of which my cousin bestie is one). It’s her birthday this month. My dad’s is next week. I wonder what I’ll get him?

Dr. M would like to point out that he didn’t put chocolate milk on his salad – it’s a homemade balsamic dressing that is really good!

Saturday, September 9th                 
I sent Dr. M this photo to show that we were getting some rain down in the hollow. It’s generally been a wet few days, which is good because it had gotten dry. 

We had an installation service for our pastor at church this afternoon. She’s been the interim for a couple of years, but we finally made it official. It was a great service, but I’m just about peopled out. And that includes talking to you folks. So bye!


  1. So, I'm a bit worried about you - all the food looks normal (well, except the hot dog - as I do not think hot dogs are food). Love the new glasses!

    1. It was definitely a non-weird food week. I'll try to do better! Ha!

  2. Ha! I love your "introvert" finale! Time to retreat to your Dad's again, maybe. :)

  3. considering all the food was Dr. M's, of course it looked normal. and excellent looking salad. and your glasses (first pic) matched your outfit.

    1. or rather the food was all by other people.

    2. Yeah - I'm going to have to review my food options this week & do better.

  4. Love your new glasses and you had perfectly color-coordinated them with everything in that first picture. That hot dog, by the way, is a Coney Dog where I come from.

    1. Yes - definitely a Coney style dog. It was delicious!

  5. Oh and you must have influenced me psychic-ly because I made waffles yesterday!

    1. Be careful - being on a wavelength with me might be dangerous!

  6. How in the world could an intorvert wear those glasses? They fairly scream "LOOK AT ME!" They're pretty cool, though. In one of my congregations, the go-to song for communion at one service was the Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun." It was a perfect song, and a perfect, implicit pun. Love that rain. I wish we could get some. I was glad to see that Hurricane Lee decided to swerve enough to spare your coast. Now, I'm hoping it turns 'fishy.'

    1. My glasses say LOOK AT ME, but the rest of me says go away. Ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...