Sunday, January 21, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week three

While other parts of the country have been socked in by snow and ice and frigid temps, we here in the foothills of NC have had relatively milder weather. Not milder by our standards, but it hardly bears mentioning to anyone outside of the state. Of course that won’t stop me from mentioning it. After all, my cousin told me that she saw about 4 flakes of snow one day!
Sunday, January 14th         
From the socials: My [Enneagram] 1 wing won’t let this song go without editing. Nonsensical? Perhaps. But at least it doesn’t make me grind my teeth. (Yes I’m still listening to Christmas music).

I wonder as I wander out under the sky
That Jesus my Savior did come for to die
For poor on'ry people like you and like me
I wonder as I wander out under the sea

Am I right that the line "
For poor on'ry people like you and like I" is grammatically incorrect? Because it hurts my soul to sing it. (Dramatic Much Bug?)

Other things from Sunday: I was lector, the heat wasn’t working in the sanctuary so we met in the fellowship hall & the music director had to pull out his accordion, we had a visit from our newest member (the cutest little squish nugget), and I got a word for the year. My word made me a little weepy because that’s what the world is all about, right?

Monday, January 15th
The Rhyne boys do Lincolnton. Party animals!

Tuesday, January 16th                        
My two chins and I went to the dentist for a routine cleaning. They checked out the problem area but didn’t see anything of concern. If it flares up again I’ll go back.

Dr. M needed an incandescent bulb for his father’s water system (to keep the switch from freezing), but those are very hard to find these days. Turns out he just needed to look at the pet store!

Wednesday, January 17th                                 
You know, people think southerners are wimpy in the cold. It was 14 degrees when I left my house so I dressed like I would have in Ohio. And then got laughed at by my coworkers in their cardigans & blazers. Hmph. 😣

Thursday, January 18th                             
Had a little oatmeal as a snacky snack. Which reminds me that I need to make some more!

Friday, January 19th                           
I’m part of poet Lori Heteen’s Patreon community. Two years ago she designed calendar pages for us to print out. She’s also the one who came up with the little booklet idea that I used for Thanksgiving. Anyway, this year she’s going to try to give us a print a week that we can use as we see fit. I printed out two of them because they really struck me. The one on the left says, “Sift through these ashes, warm with possibility. Life remains. It waits.” The one on the right says, “I, for one, would like less blatant stupidity and more quaint nonsense.”

The Soup King strikes again with a variation on the jambalaya theme! People, this was REALLY good soup.

Saturday, January 20th                        
It was a Very Cold Day and I had tuna melt for lunch.

This morning I learned that my friend’s 16 year daughter passed away (I wrote about her last week). She was very proud to be an organ donor, and her family is honoring her wishes, so she’s still on life support until that process is complete. This has been grueling for all of them, and I am full of so much sadness. This year has just not been going well for so many folks around me. How about you tell me something good from your corner of the world?


  1. You're right that the lyrics weren't grammatical, but on the other hand -- who in the world would want to wander "under the sea"? Unless you had a scuba tank or a submarine, that could be confused with drowning! Actually, I've known that song my whole life, and the grammar never bothered me -- but if you're singing it, you can change it however you want!

    I am your source for incandescent bulbs. I have 100,150, and 200 watt stashed in my closet. I use them for keeping plants warm in winter and such. Honest -- if you ever need some, let me know.

    I absolutely love “I, for one, would like less blatant stupidity and more quaint nonsense.” For real delight, how about less stupidity of any kind? The one podcast I listen to regularly has this motto on its page: "Stupid should hurt."

    ps: this Southerner hates the cold, and has become a total wimp. Thirty years ago, I'd head out to the docks and work in 40 degree weather. Now? I might at 50F, but 55F is best. That depends on my bank balance, of course.

    1. As a person in HR I wholeheartedly agree that no stupidity at all would be AMAZING!

  2. Maybe it would help if you considered the lyrics "For poor on'ry people like you and like I" to be a shortened version of " For poor on'ry people like you are and like I am". I agree with being really bugged by the "you and I".

    1. I've thought of that & I think it does help. A smidge :)

  3. That awkward grammar is your punishment for listening to Christmas music in late January. Just the idea of the hokey term "on'ry" is giving me a headache.

    I love the name of the light bulb that you got. I think more of us should vow to do Essential Basking, whether it's in light or good books or a hot bath or whatever. Essential Basking for the win!

    1. Yes! Essential basking should be a fundamental right in this country!

      Also? For YEARS I thought it said LONELY instead of on'ry.

  4. I had to look up "enneagram" and then figure out what wings are. I'm still not sure I understand it but I'm moving on!

    Something about a lizard basking under an artificial heat lamp just seems sad to me. The poor thing should be out in the sun.

    I like Lori Heteen's "less blatant stupidity" art!

    1. I keep meaning to do an Enneagram post, but it's probably beyond me to explain very well & I'm not sure my audience would be as into is as I am. Ha!

  5. Is there any tuna under all that cheese? But whom am I to talk? I scrambled a couple of eggs with a fairly sizeable handful of grated Parmesan this morning!

    1. There was a lot of tuna! And, hilariously, I decided that the next time I was going to add MORE cheese. Ha!

  6. are you sure that's your oatmeal? cause there is nothing weird in it. sad news about your friend's daughter but she will be giving life to someone else. and let your coworkers laugh. I'd be just as bundled up.

    1. I know - I need to up my oatmeal game. And yes, I think her family is taking some comfort in the fact that she'll "live on."


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...