Sunday, January 14, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week two

This wasn’t a particularly fabulous week. We had three more days of computer training. I think I’ve been calling it the wrong thing though. We’re replacing the City-wide computer system (that handles everything from human resources to payroll to utility billing to job tickets…) with a new one & we’re actually BUILDING it. The framework is there, but we are customizing it with our codes, etc. Once it’s complete it will be amazing and good for everyone (I hope), but until then it is requiring a good bit of braining.
Sunday, January 7th         
I went to church but as I mentioned last week, I was in a lot of pain from yet another tooth infection. I posted this picture and asked the interwebs to give me their tricks for calming down a toothache (the overwhelming winner was cloves), but we live 15 minutes from CVS so I just continued to use what I had on hand: saltwater. Orajel didn’t really do anything. Someone did recommend adding Tylenol to my NSAID & it helped for a while. I was able to sleep until about midnight & then slept fitfully until morning.  

Monday, January 8th
I went to work and did payroll and a couple of other things, then went to see the City nurse. She prescribed the same thing my dentist did the last time (steroids and antibiotics) so I went to have those filled & then went home for the day. I took my first dose of steroids, took a nap, and then woke up already feeling about 100% better. The miracle of modern medicine!

Tuesday, January 8th                        
I slept so well that I woke up at 5:00 a.m. & was at work by 6:40. I got so much done! What I didn’t do was take a picture.
Wednesday, January 9th                                 
It had poured rain on Tuesday, so on Wednesday Dr. M took his dad for a ramble to check out the flooding in Lincoln County. It was pretty impressive.

Meanwhile, during a break from training I went to Dad & Sue’s for lunch, where I got to see a woodpecker at the feeder and eat turtle pie. (The pie was VERY GOOD.)

Thursday, January 10th                             
Leaving the office late (almost 6:00). The sky was lovely though.

Friday, January 11th                           
From the Socials: The sky on my way to work this morning. It was a wild week that started with tooth pain (100% better thanks to modern medicine), had longer work hours than usual, and ended with the news of the death of an old friend. A hard week and a week full of the privilege of the kind of life I get to live. I think about all the people suffering in the world. I think about the people in our country who are still being oppressed by systems that have been in place for hundreds of years. I think about the life of Dr. King and wonder if we’ll ever get it right. Will we ever get it right?

Dr. M fixed yet another fabulous soup. Included here is a photo of me getting ready to eat it, but the real star is Charlie Horse who has turned into some sort of postmodern art installation. He’s got a lot going on. One of these days we’ll get a better picture and break it down for you.

Saturday, January 12th                        
I had a lovely day with a few chores and a lot of not much else. I didn’t even take a photo until late in the day when I was dusting & got inspired to send this one to my best friend. She gave me the ornament and the bear, which is upside down for Very Important Reasons.

I’m sitting here feeling guilty that I didn’t go to the MLK service in town, but I’m still feeling a little wonky from all the drugs. I'm also spending a lot of energy thinking about an Ohio friend (my first boss up there) whose 16 year old daughter had a medical event & is in Cincinnati Children's PICU very very ill. Added to that there have been several deaths in my orbit, and I am very inside my head. Very happy that I have tomorrow off from work. How are things in your neck of the woods?


  1. That soup does look good. Of course, anything hot looks good right now. We're cold and getting colder: below freezing nights are ahead, and all my plants are in the house. Not only that, I'm drinking tea. I never drink tea, but hot chocolate has too many calories and I don't need more than 2-3 cups of coffee a day. So, Twinings Lemon and Ginger it is. It's actually quite good: a little more gingery than I would like, but still nice.

    That's a lot of water! We've been getting not so heavy but relatively regular rain, and our drought status is continuing to improve. There are still portions of the state that need rain, but most of them are saying, "Please wait until the freezing temperatures have gone away!"

    1. I might need to add tea to my regimen. I don't normally drink it (because weirdly it dries my mouth out), but the warm would be nice.

  2. Sorry about your tooth! What a drag. I hope the antibiotics work.

    1. I already feel so much better. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow - hopefully they can figure out what's going on.

  3. Sounds like a heavier than normal week in many respects. Hang in there. I'm glad your toothache is better. Who needs that?

    Herbal tea shouldn't dry out your mouth like regular black teas do; black teas are very tannic. I really like lavender chamomile tea with honey. Very soothing and nice.

    Be glad you're not in Ohio right now. It's sunny, but I awoke to 1.4 degrees! We're not going to see temps at or above freezing for the next week or more. Brrrr.

    1. I'll have to check out the herbals later this week when it's supposed to be extra cold. Although as far as I can tell the top temps are still going to be in the 40s.

  4. Marc's mother died last week. she was 92. and I've been preparing for this year's arctic blast the rest of the week.

    1. I guess I'm glad we're not getting an arctic blast. So sorry about Marc's mother!

  5. I dragged a plastic bag of Judy's beef stew out of the freezer this morning and it's now getting heated and the aroma is killing me! Which is by way of saying that Dr. M's soup looks great too. Have you a meeting with your dentist? Will they pull that tooth? Courage! (as Dan Rather used to say.)

    1. Beef stew sounds fabulous to me! I had my dental appointment this morning & they didn't find anything wrong - & it feels fine now. We'll keep an eye on it & see.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...