Sunday, January 7, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week One

Fresh Clean Year! At least it was at the beginning of this week. Right now it seems to be exactly the same as last year (which was only last week for heaven’s sake).
Sunday, December 31st        
I DID go to the party – stayed until about 10:30 & was in bed by midnight. The only photo I took was this one where Bruno was desperately hoping that someone would drop the ping pong ball. And they did, to much hilarity. Really, I should have been videoing it.

Monday, January 1st  
Dr. M was playing with one of his Christmas presents, a new flashlight from my brother. Dr. M loves flashlights so he gets them as gifts a lot – which was a good thing when we lost power a few months ago. This one is really cool!

Tuesday, January 2nd                        
From the socials: This wasn’t the new me I envisioned when I heard about New Year New You. This me seems eerily familiar.

Wednesday, January 3rd                                
The stem on my amaryllis has broken in two places – can’t tolerate the weight of the flower I guess. It’s still pretty, but not probably won’t last for much longer.

Thursday, January 4th                             
Dr. M says, “Had to see a man about a cat.”

Friday, January 5th                           
My sister-in-law Bren came by my office so I could refresh her memory on crocheting during my lunch hour. She’s starting on a VERY ambitious project – a temperature blanket for her king size bed.

Saturday, January 6th                        
I was inspired by Bren to keep working on this WIP that has been stuffed in a bag for a while. Every year I have a formal or informal resolution to finish all my WIPS before I start new projects. And every year I fail rather spectacularly. Here’s hoping I can at least finish one of them!

I’m currently suffering with yet another infected tooth. I don’t know what the heck is going on – it’s most tender where I have my implant (and the tooth beside it has had a root canal). All I know is that I am a great big whiny baby when my teeth hurt. I wish we could get antibiotics over the counter (and no, I don’t really wish that but it’s very annoying that I have to wait at least until tomorrow to get some relief). So, how are YOU doing?


  1. Happy New Year! Who needs a new you? The old one is great. x

  2. they say clove oil is good for tooth pain. When I turned 50 I gathered up all my WIP and tossed them in the trash.

    1. I might be doing that with some of the older ones. Who even WAS that person who started those?

  3. Sorry about your tooth! That's a drag! That flashlight looks like some kind of lunar landing module.

  4. Ugh, tooth pain. I hope it's gone soon and doesn't require a big cash outlay.

    I have a ton of yarn and haven't knitted a thing in months. I'm not giving it up, but knitting really aggravates my shoulder and neck inflammation (cervical myofasciitis). Somehow, I have to refigure the biomechanics of it all.

    Happy New Year! I think we went to bed at 10PM on NYE. The new year came just the same whether we were awake or not 😉

    1. My tooth feels much better today (the miracles of modern medicine - steroids). Hopefully my dentist can sort out the cause when I go next week.

      I have a thumb situation with crochet which makes me need to take breaks (sometimes for a couple of days). It is VERY ANNOYING.

  5. What you need is a "fun store", where you can buy cannabis products. Oh, that may not be legal in North Carolina. Yet.

    1. Bruce - this comment was in my spam folder. Who knows why? But you are 100% correct - we do need a fun store. And I have no idea if it's legal here or not. Why don't I know that? Hmmm...

  6. I was awake at midnight on NYE, but only because neighborhood fireworks woke me. Now, I'm looking at the calendar and wondering how it can be Jan 8 already. Honestly, it's going to be Valentine's Day before we know it. I'm not a fan of time passing so quickly!

    That's an interesting flashlight. Are those 'wings' detachable? I have one that's cylindical, with four removable segments that can be taken off and used in different spots. It's very handy. Your SIL looks so much like one of my customers I had to do a triple-take to be sure it wasn't her. It's amazing when that happens.

    I think I'm going to have to do a sacrifice tonight. I impulsively stuck a spoon into a pint of leftover cream cheese frosting in the freezer. I discovered it doesn't freeze completely solid, like an ice cube. You can stick a spoon into it and have a little taste. If I don't get rid of it, I'm going to eat it. It's that good.

    1. I don't like time passing that quickly either. Ugh.

      Dr. M tried to take the wings off but as far as we can tell they don't detach. That would be very cool!

  7. Judy found a Walmart special - ten little flashlights for $10. She found them handy and got a package of them for Gayle for Christmas. When she unwrapped the package she didn't know what to think but later told her mother she LOVED them because she has them all over house now and always has one within reach when she needs to find something!

    1. They are pretty darned useful to have around! And Dr. M does a good job of making sure that the batteries actually work.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...