Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Fifty-two

Happy New Year! And boy am I ready for it. Although 2024 isn’t shaping up to be any less crazy than 2023. It’s the year that we’re implementing the new computer system we’ve been training on. I turn 60. My body has let me know in no uncertain terms that it cannot tolerate bakery cake 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. But there are good things too! I’m going to try to remember those when I’m in the middle of the madness.
Sunday, December 24th       
We went to Golden Corral for Christmas Eve dinner. It was a nice time! But it’s really too bad that Nanny doesn’t like the great grandchildren.

I tried to get a cute Christmas photo of the boys. Success?

Monday, December 25th
Christmas selfies! Dr. M & I went to his dad’s for lunch. While we were there, a couple from his church stopped by with food. Dr. M had been worrying about what to feed his dad since he wouldn’t get his meal delivery for three days – problem solved!

That evening I finished the puzzle my work Secret Santa gave me. So much fun! It was about lap sized (it’s in the lid to a cardboard file box). I loved how so many of the pieces were shaped like critters. Can you see the sheep and penguin?

Tuesday, December 26th                       
The 40th annual Christmas gathering of college friends! Dr. M made his famous French Toast Casserole and I had a great time.

Or did I?

Wednesday, December 27th                               
On Wednesday I stayed home.  

Thursday, December 28th                             
On Thursday I went back to work. This is my view on the way home.

Friday, December 29th                           
Went by dad’s & they had completed the Christmas puzzle. This was a fun one (yes, I realize I say that about almost all the puzzles.)

Amaryllis progress!

Saturday, December 30th                        
I went to a birthday party for my older great-nephew (he turns three on Monday). I had a nice time. Note the photo of GP with the gift his FATHER gave him – a little drum set. Fortunately it’s not as loud as a full sized one. I gave him books, as usual. 

I have tomorrow off and then I’m back to work again. I’ve been invited to a NYE party, but I’m thinking I won’t go (the aforementioned issue with birthday cake). We’ll see – it doesn’t start until 7:30 or 8:00 so I have plenty of time to change my mind. What are you doing tonight? (Or, since most of you will be reading this after today, what did you do for NYE?)


  1. I am sure you can guess. My plan is to be sleeping when the New Year comes in. I do plan to have a traditional New Year’s lunch tomorrow. (Black-Eyed Peas, Greens, Ham and Cornbread). Back to the diet after New Years. Love you, Aunt Sharon

    1. I did go to the party, but I was home by 10:30 & then in bed by midnight. Happy New Year!

  2. Great post, Dana! I always look forward to reading your blog and seeing the pictures.

  3. Do NOT tell me that you cannot eat cake. That is a TRAGEDY.

    We didn't do a darn thing for NYE that we wouldn't have done any other evening--stream a few shows and go to bed when we both find ourselves falling asleep by 10. No champagne or anything. Today we'll have our traditional pork and sauerkraut dinner for Good Luck in 2024. Something tells me we'll need it.

    1. I'm hoping that it's an EXCESS problem & that if I have it in moderation I'll be ok (Note: I've never eaten bakery cake in moderation. Sigh).

      You are so right about needing luck this year.

  4. I love the puzzle with the critter-shaped pieces. It's a Buddhist mandala, I think, and I'm assuming the pieces are meant to emphasize the Buddhist message of the connectedness of all life? Or am I making that up?

    I hope this cake allergy, or whatever it is, is transient!

    1. The box, very helpfully, says "Mysterious Wooden Puzzle" but I'm going to assign your meaning to it, tear it apart, & work it again with that in mind. Thanks!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! Here's hoping for a better year for both of us!

  6. In bed by 8, as usual. Too old to party anymore. Happy New Year to you two!

    1. That seems sane - I was thinking this morning that it's a toss up whether to stay up late to see the new year in or start the new year right by getting a good night's sleep.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...