Saturday, December 9, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Forty-nine

I’m still feeling the disconnect of world events (& events here at home), & all the perky “Reason for the Season” in the air right now. Ya know?
Sunday, December 3rd       
Went to Dad & Sue’s after church where he made CHOCOLATE waffles with pecans & blueberries. Pretty tasty! Plus bonus gorgeous amaryllis content.

Monday, December 4th
My view just before I left work.

Tuesday, December 5th                       
I ONCE AGAIN binder clipped my skirt to keep from rolling over it in my office chair, & then forgot & wore it around the office like that.

Wednesday, December 6th                               
Got my hair trimmed (once again taking care of any potential mullet situation).

Thursday, December 7th                             
Dr. M making Christmas for his dad (with a poinsettia) & his mom (with a flower for her grave), & then finding Christmas out & about.

Friday, December 8th                         

Saturday, December 9th                      
Yes, I did actually go out to the mailbox in my robe with my hair in a towel so that I could get my new Black Santa toppers to wear to the ornament swap my friend Jenny invited me to (at Viewmont Baptist for local folks).

Here are some random photos of the day. I didn’t take the table photos until after we’d eaten, and my pictures aren’t great in any case, but here you go anyway. Oh! The terribly cute infant was there last year too, but hadn’t been born yet.

Last week I mentioned my Advent resolutions. One week in, I’m happy to report that I have actually mostly stuck to them. That makes me happy. What’s making you happy these days?


  1. Your skirt pinned reminds me of like a Laura Ingalls sort of day!

    I keep seeing recipes for pretzel concoctions like that... I need to try it so I can gain another 5 lbs.

    1. Yeah - when I made it I was worried that I should make TWO pans worth. No, no I should not.

  2. I'm just not sure about chocolate waffles with blueberries and such. In fact, I'm not sure about chocolate waffles at all: for dessert, maybe, but not for breakfast. I think I'm beginning to grasp where your somewhat unusual food tastes come from! You with your hair in a towel took me straight back to the days when going out with curlers in our hair, or a bathrobe, was straight up evidence that we should be banned from polite society. I'm just old enough to remember "dressing up" to go to town -- and when I made my first airplane flights, by golly I was wearing heels and gloves! I wouldn't want to dress like that to shop or fly today, but when I see some of the get-ups around town, I do quiver just a bit.

    1. Yeah - I used to worry about what the neighbors would think of me & then I decided I didn't really care. HOWEVER, I would never go to a store like that (unless it was my Halloween costume).

  3. Big YES on the pretzel toffee! I'm trying that this year for sure as an accompaniment to my Christmas Cracker Bark. Mmmm.

    Love your Santa Toppers. How many do you have now, total?

    Theo is making me overflow with happiness these days. So wonderful!

    1. It was good stuff! I have 10 toppers now. And there are a few colors I still wish I had. Also, it's getting to the point where I want to buy outfits to match the toppers instead of the other way around. Somebody reign me in!

      I love thinking about you with Theo :)

  4. I like your black Santa toppers! And the cute baby with the antlers. :)

  5. It's beginning to look a lot like . . . .(tra-la, tra-la)


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...