Sunday, February 25, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Eight

There are five photos of me this week (I’m counting Sunday as one photo) and in each one I’m wearing a different glasses topper. But I’m not obsessed.
Sunday, February 18th           
I got to spend time with my great-nephews (and some other people) Sunday evening! Gray is SO ACTIVE and adorable, and Eli is not quite as active (being an infant) but also adorable. Not pictured: Eli chewing my fingers vigorously.


Monday, February 19th
Sent Dr. M this photo of me eating a protein bar on my way to mall walk with my bestie.

Tuesday, February 20th                          
A coworker saw this sweater at Goodwill and thought it looked like something I needed. She was RIGHT!

Wednesday, February 21st
No photo.
Thursday, February 22nd                              
Dr. M got to watch the first spring training game of the season. Woo hoo!

Friday, February 23rd                              
I voted in the primary. I was very excited to vote for Jeff Jackson for Attorney General – hopefully he makes it through the primary and then wins in the general election.

After work I “had” to stay at Dad & Sue’s house until I finished the puzzle. Hard times. Ha!

Saturday, February 24th                          
I thought my samurai housewife look was hilarious.

My Valentine tulips have been looking amazing. I’m sure you agree! (Full disclosure – in the process of dusting the table I knocked the remaining petals off. Oops.)

February is almost over and my birthday month is beginning. I have to say that if my birthday wasn’t in March I would not be a fan. It’s so deceptive. I mean, it’s when spring “officially” starts, but does it seem springish? No it does not. Although maybe the problem is what I think spring is supposed to be like. What are your thoughts about March?  

Sunday, February 18, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Seven

I’ve got nothing – let’s just dive into the week.
Sunday, February 11th           
We had Souper Bowl Sunday! Dr. M did an amazing job as always. He wore his UC shirt in honor of Taylor’s boyfriend. I was in bed before the end of the game (it went into OT), but when Dr. M started getting excited I came out to watch the replay of the end.

Monday, February 12th
Dr. M says, dreary day surprise!

Tuesday, February 13th                          
No photo.
Wednesday, February 14th - VaLENTine’s Day
I went to the Ash Wednesday service at church.

Dr. M got me some funky tulips (& fudge Nekots!). He told the cashier that he buys me tulips every year so I can watch them die. What can I say? Just call me Morticia Addams.

The caption for this photo is “Get you someone who makes you cackle on the regular!” Dr. M is hilarious.

Thursday, February 15th                             
Went to Dad & Sue’s during lunch to, guess what? Work a puzzle!

Then came home from work to happy mail!

Friday, February 16th                             
No photo.
Saturday, February 17th                          
More daffodils – we gets our joy where we can.

Last night we watched the Stadium Series hockey game in New Jersey (where they create an ice rink at a football stadium to have an outdoor game). So fun! Lots of fans, good hockey, & they all looked very cold. It was nice to watch from the warmth of my living room. They’re having another game there this afternoon and we’ll watch it and then I’m going to go see Elliott & Grayson! Well, and their parents too. Do you have something you’re looking forward to?

Sunday, February 11, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Six

Everything is extra exhausting because it’s February. Work was really busy and there was far too much peopling (which I know can happen in a Human Resources department, but still…). I stayed up later than I should have almost every night. And on top of that it’s only February & I am already (still? Ever & always?) so tired of hearing about politics. Especially because I really care and it feels like none of it matters. It’s just because it’s winter, right?
Sunday, February 4th           
Look! I don’t know why I’m in such a deep well of despair when we have daffodils coming up!

Monday, February 5th
Kicking back at work waiting for the day to be over (note: this look of relaxation is a scam).

Tuesday, February 6th                          
My sister-in-law gave us this ginormous Mexican casserole and Dr. M got it reheated to perfection. It was excellent!

Wednesday, February 7th                                   
New profile picture. There’s something wrong with my “selfie” camera on my phone (I think my screen protector is interfering with it), but I like the more flattering blurry shot anyway. Ha!

Thursday, February 8th                             
No photo.
Friday, February 9th                             
I am no man!

Saturday, February 10th                          
Random food: my breakfast of Country Bacon grits, eggs, and raisins; leftovers (sausages and this Birds Eye quinoa & spinach frozen side dish – so very yummy!); & Dr. M’s extra fancy Funyuns.

Taylor Swift’s football game is on later today. We don’t really watch football except for this time of year & I don’t have strong feelings about who wins the game. I hope the commercials are good. But mostly I hope that everything is over at a reasonable hour and that I ACTUALLY GO TO BED. Oh! And once I’m in bed I hope I put my phone down, turn the light out, and go to sleep! I know I know – that’s a lot to expect. But I have faith that one day I’ll actually accomplish my goals. How about you? Do you care who wins? Do you have any bedtime goals?

Sunday, February 4, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week five

It’s February now. Did you know?
Sunday, January 28th           
We had a baptism (plus someone else joined the church). I had an excellent waffle at my dad’s house. I went by my brother & his wife’s house & got cutting board envy (yes, I ordered one for us & we already have it). AND my sister-in-law gave me a topper organizer! Look how pitiful my 12 toppers look. So lonely. So I ordered some more. Oof.

Then later Dr. M & I worked hard to make sure Taylor’s team won their game.

Monday, January 29th
I had the day off from work and was mildly productive. AND I ate a vegetable!

Tuesday, January 30th                          
Dr. M & Pop sitting in the sun.

Wednesday, January 31st                                  
Miss Pinky & Ms. Rita seem to be enjoying their winter quarters.

Thursday, February 1st                            
From the socials: People it’s hot. I mean it’s 56 degrees (& sunny) & ordinarily that would be sweater weather but apparently not today. Oof.

I decided to get myself a big gift for my 60th birthday (yes, I know it’s more than a month away). This is an Apple Watch, which I said I would never get (in fact, the first time the Apple Watch app showed up on my phone I deleted it). Never say never people! Anyway, I was thrilled to order it with this band which is supposed to symbolize Black unity. For now I’m using the Snoopy watch face because it makes me laugh. It’s animated and changes frequently. So far I’m loving the watch!

Friday, February 2nd                            
So apparently I just decided to skip January in calendar-land?

Saturday, February 3rd                         
Dr. M & I watched the hockey all-star game (it was excellent), but the only photo I took was of this commercial for a “60 second shower” wipe called Skunky. It made us laugh and laugh. And also, maybe I should order it?

February is a conundrum to me. It’s still the womb of the year, and the weather is not ideal. But there are daffodils coming up behind the house, and my birthday is next month. What are your thoughts about the shortest month?

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...