Sunday, February 11, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Six

Everything is extra exhausting because it’s February. Work was really busy and there was far too much peopling (which I know can happen in a Human Resources department, but still…). I stayed up later than I should have almost every night. And on top of that it’s only February & I am already (still? Ever & always?) so tired of hearing about politics. Especially because I really care and it feels like none of it matters. It’s just because it’s winter, right?
Sunday, February 4th           
Look! I don’t know why I’m in such a deep well of despair when we have daffodils coming up!

Monday, February 5th
Kicking back at work waiting for the day to be over (note: this look of relaxation is a scam).

Tuesday, February 6th                          
My sister-in-law gave us this ginormous Mexican casserole and Dr. M got it reheated to perfection. It was excellent!

Wednesday, February 7th                                   
New profile picture. There’s something wrong with my “selfie” camera on my phone (I think my screen protector is interfering with it), but I like the more flattering blurry shot anyway. Ha!

Thursday, February 8th                             
No photo.
Friday, February 9th                             
I am no man!

Saturday, February 10th                          
Random food: my breakfast of Country Bacon grits, eggs, and raisins; leftovers (sausages and this Birds Eye quinoa & spinach frozen side dish – so very yummy!); & Dr. M’s extra fancy Funyuns.

Taylor Swift’s football game is on later today. We don’t really watch football except for this time of year & I don’t have strong feelings about who wins the game. I hope the commercials are good. But mostly I hope that everything is over at a reasonable hour and that I ACTUALLY GO TO BED. Oh! And once I’m in bed I hope I put my phone down, turn the light out, and go to sleep! I know I know – that’s a lot to expect. But I have faith that one day I’ll actually accomplish my goals. How about you? Do you care who wins? Do you have any bedtime goals?


  1. care who wins what? ha ha, yes I know what but not who and don't care, did not watch. my only bedtime goal is to sleep through the night. which I did mostly last night. only woke a couple of times and went right back to sleep.

    1. I generally sleep fine once I turn the light off (except for my 1 or 2 potty breaks in the night). I need someone to come make me put my phone down. It can't be Dr. M because he's usually already asleep!

  2. I do not care who wins. (Won.) Who is that "I am no man" person?

    1. That was from The Lord of the Rings - I think the 3rd movie? The bad guy had just said something like no man can defeat me & she said "I am no man" & defeated him. One of my favorite scenes!

    2. Ah! I saw that movie but only vaguely (i.e. not at all) remember the scene. :)

  3. DAFFODILS! If you care about nothing else, care about that.

    I lied. Please care about The Politics enough to vote strenuously to keep our Democracy.

    1. I definitely care and will definitely vote. I might even do a little more political content on my socials (although I don't think that actually works to change people's minds - coming from me I mean).

  4. I broke down and watched it. And who won? Really?


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...