Saturday, May 25, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-one

I’ve had a weird week. I got drugs for my tooth (it’s so much better!), worked long hours at the office, and I can tell I’ve been stressed because I started rereading one of my favorite Nora Roberts trilogies. Another couple of weeks of intense work, followed by some more weeks of intense work, and then maybe some time off. Woot?
Sunday, May 19th                  
Pentecost! This first picture makes me laugh – Jeanette & Carole had a little war with the microphone. It’s been fun to (occasionally) sing with the choir this spring.

Monday, May 20th     
Two of our favorite pastoral scenes. I love how Dr. M always gets these photos for me every season.

Speaking of seasons – it’s daylily season!

Tuesday, May 21st                             
My conditioner smells like grapefruit. My body wash smells like strawberries. And my lotion smells like oranges. Hope the office is ready for this fruit salad today!

 Wednesday, May 22nd        
Ooookkkaaayyyy – I guess my crochet book is some sort of threat? (Note: it’s been released & should arrive Wednesday.)

Thursday, May 23rd                                   
It’s Dr. M’s Pop’s birthday! It’s number 92. He had a great day.

Friday, May 24th             
Spent some time in the shower this morning trying to remember why Santa Claus was on trial in The Miracle on 34th Street. And in related news, I wonder if Justice Alito has a granddaughter.

Saturday, May 25th                                
Hydrangeas at Dr. M’s dad’s house. They’re always so pretty (and their coloring reminds me of the blueberries to come!

I took today “off” – stayed home to do some housework & decompress a little. I plan to work tomorrow and Monday so that I’m as ready as possible for next week. How’s your spring looking?

Sunday, May 19, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty

Did you know that there are people everywhere? Work, church, parties, my dad’s house, my very own home?? I don’t know man. That seems like a lot.
Sunday, May 12th                  
Dr. Van Fleet says Happy Mother’s Day!

Monday, May 13th     
We only had three peonies this year. Dr. M snipped the third and last ahead of some expected storms and I’m so glad he did! Isn’t it glorious?

Tuesday, May 14th                             
From the socials: Wherein sleeping beauty has to get up and go to work. While my rage at gen0cide simmers on the back burner. While holding joy that my Hurricanes won last night. While also wishing I could just go back to bed.

Wednesday, May 15th       
I told my dad that I was a puzzle hussy.

Thursday, May 16th                                  
Sulfur Cosmos and purple Verbena volunteers.

Went shopping for a friend’s birthday present and bought myself something too. Can you guess which one I kept?

Friday, May 17th             
I had also purchased a new top (you can see it in the pictures from Saturday) and all it had on it was this tag in French. I ran it through google translate and was delighted by the results.

Saturday, May 18th                                
It was my college roommate Sherri’s birthday & her husband organized a surprise party for her. It was so much fun to be a part of it! They live about an hour and forty minutes away so I rode up with Kim and Jenny. It was nice to have the four musketeers together again.

Our Hurricanes fell short of making it to the next level in the playoffs. And my tooth hurts AGAIN. And work continues to be very busy. Also, the world seems to be going to hell. Tune in next week for even more inspirational remarks!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Nineteen

Open enrollment has launched and now I have a couple of weeks to get things organized before the big push to get all the paperwork turned in and the changes entered into the system. There are complications this year (due to the aforementioned world building project, and changes to some payroll schedules) and I’m having some middle of the night worry sessions about those. I just have to make it to the middle of July and it might calm down. Maybe. Anyway, another couple of months of complaining to you.
Sunday, May 5th                  
I was already in bed & remembered we hadn’t taken a photo, so here is one of me laughing at something Dr. M said. I wish I could remember what it was so I could tell you, but we laugh a lot.

Monday, May 6th     
If it’s Monday it must be Peaches.

Tuesday, May 7th                             
It’s an arpeggio of birbs! The fledged over Dr. M’s head the next day.

Went on a walk with Kim & she brought her latest child, Teddy. He is adorable.

Wednesday, May 8th       
We aren’t getting many peonies this year, but what we have are lovely.  

It was my boss's birthday & I had some of the devil’s most excellent lemonade. I never go there, but we get Chick Fil A frequently at work because it’s one of his favorite places to eat. My principles are no match for for free food.

Thursday, May 9th                                  
You may recall that I ordered this cutting board after I saw it at my sister-in-law’s house. This was exactly how I envisioned it being used. Dr. M chopped up all these peppers to put in the freezer & then cut up veggies for the stir fry he made later in the day.  

Friday, May 10th             
No photo.
Saturday, May 11th                                
Dr. M’s dad’s blueberry bush – I’m going to be busy later!

Tonight may or may not be the last game of the season for my Carolina Hurricanes. They have to win to continue their playoff run. Win or lose it has been a GREAT season. Do you have anything ending or beginning?

Saturday, May 4, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Eighteen

Dr. M and I have been busy busy, so this selection of photos is…interesting.
Sunday, April 28th                  
Dr. M & went to a Celebration of Life service for his Aunt Judy (and about 180 other people). It was hosted by Atrium Health and was a lovely service. If you look closely you can see Dr. M getting ready to light a candle for Judy.

Monday, April 29th     
Peaches is making her debut for the summer. Pretty!

Tuesday, April 30th                             
Dr. M’s dad got new glasses. He was so glad – he’d broken his other ones and really missed them!

Wednesday, May 1st      
My doctor had asked me to monitor my blood pressure (she’s thinking of adjusting my meds). Think she should?

Thursday, May 2nd                                 
TBT – my brother and me with my Aunt Lila. Aren’t we adorable? We were putting money in the jar for the NC Baptist Children’s Home offering. That photo was on the cover of their publication that month.

Friday, May 3rd             
I was shocked! Shocked I say!

Late afternoon snack. There’s oatmeal somewhere under there.

Saturday, May 4th                                
The recycle bin under my desk (I worked for a while today.) I don’t have a Sundrop problem. Why do you ask?

I worked late almost every day last week (and skipped lunch most days). We have a coworker out and it’s open enrollment and there’s that new system we’ve been working on. It’s a little intense. My coworkers are already being extra nice around me because they don’t want to see Scary Dana. Ha! What’s going on in your world?

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...