Sunday, July 21, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-eight

I have worked so many hours this past week, including yesterday and today. The difference is that instead of freaking out about what went wrong with the last payroll, we’re cleaning up glitches & getting things back in order. LET’S CROSS ALL OF OUR FINGERS AND TOES THAT THIS WEEK’S PAYROLL IS DRAMA FREE. 

Sunday, July 14th        
No photo. I did go to church, but that’s all I remember. Ha!

Monday, July 15th    

The only photo is me showing myself where the makeup stain is on my dress so I remember to Shout It Out when I wash it (it’s the same color as that peachy one in the dress - hard to find, but that’s no reason to not try to get it out).

Tuesday, July 16th   

Dr. M had a colonoscopy in the morning, and found this random flower growing in the yard this afternoon. The colonoscopy went well  - we’ll see what that biopsy reports say, but we’re feeling optimistic.

Wednesday, July 17th   

Dr. M says: Wild muscadine grapes, a staple food for many a Carolina cotton mill village. The juice was canned and used to make jam or jelly, a sweet treat served with fresh biscuits. (And the Bug says that they make a lovely photo against his Pop’s shed.)

Thursday, July 18th    

Feeling just a little bit overwhelmed by it all.

Friday, July 19th     

Dr. M got me random flowers! Isn’t he swell?

Saturday, July 20th     

For some reason Dr. M felt compelled to order this book. I wonder why? Ha!

People keep saying that they’re ready to live through some precedented times. ME TOOOO!!! I don’t even know what to think about Biden stepping back from the nomination - all I know is that I will vote for the Democratic nominee no matter what. Used to be you might think, well, the other party has different ideas than I do about how to best run the country, but if they win they won’t mess up TOO much. Not anymore - if any part of Project 2025 gets to be implemented then what does that mean for the future of democracy? Not to mention the future of marginalized people, women, the elderly, the people in the armed forces… Oof. It’s a lot. What do YOU think?

PS - I haven’t even glanced at blogs for days now. Eventually I’ll get caught up!


  1. I laughed and laughed at your comment about Dr. M's colonoscopy -- not the procedure, or him, but at seeing the flower and thinking for a minute that they did the colonoscopy and found a flower blooming! I'm silly. I do love the combination of bright colors in the bouquet he brought you, and that neat photo of the grapes. I think there are muscadines here, too, but we have at least two species of wild grapes and I never can remember which is which.

    I hope everything is smoooooth at work this week!

    1. Hahahaha! That is hilarious - I'll have to make sure he reads your comment.

    2. Just polyps, no flowering plants! LOL. Muscadine and scuppernong are our varieties. Muscadine is a black grape, scuppernong a white one.

  2. You know me; I'm Blue No Matter Who. I think it's a rotten shame the way President Biden was publicly bullied out of the campaign. Unforgivable. I lost a lot of respect for Sherrod, too. President Biden deserves so much better.

  3. well, you know, there's an old Chinese curse. "may you live in interesting times".

    pretty flowers. and those wild grapes grow over everything here.

    1. I knew we could blame the Chinese! (Just kidding - it's probably Putin's fault.)

  4. Oh, that book looks interesting! I haven't heard of that one. Tell us what Dr. M thinks when he's read it!

    I say if the spot doesn't show, don't worry about it. :)

    1. I did spray the spot, but I didn't look to see if it was gone when I pulled it out of the washer, because you're RIGHT.

      I'll let you know about the book!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty

I’ve got nothing for this space. Use your imagination! Sunday, October 6th         We had a lovely service at church this morning for this W...