Saturday, July 6, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-six

If you came here to hear how the new system is doing you’re going to have to wait another week. We’re having our first payroll run next week, and there are a lot of moving pieces that have to function correctly so that everyone is paid and there aren’t any glaring issues. It might work or it might be a disaster. I don’t think I even know at this point. Woo?

Sunday, June 30th       

I honestly have no idea what I did Sunday morning. I know I didn’t go to church. Did I do some work? In any case, in the afternoon, my dad and I went to my Uncle David’s 85th birthday party. It was a lovely time. My uncle Bill showed up and it was great seeing my dad, David, and Bill hanging out together again. Bill and David are the remaining siblings from my mom’s family. Mom’s been gone 19 years and we lost her other brother Bob a few years ago. 

Monday, July 1st   

This is a photo documenting that I finally went to get my oil changed. Go me! 

Tuesday, July 2nd   
I was feeling just a little maniacal at work. The cupcake helped. 

Meanwhile, Dr. M visited the Old Gray Cat Berry Farm. 

Wednesday, July 3rd  

Some early fireworks!

Thursday, July 4th    

I worked from home for quite a while and was just thinking about knocking it off for the day when Dad & Sue showed up! It was so great to visit with them for a while. One of the things we talked about was that Dad’s older brother John passed away that morning - the first of his siblings to die. I don’t have a photo of our visit, but here is one from the last time all the siblings (and spouses) were together. John (seated) and his wife Irene are on the left, Dad & Sue are on the right, and the four sisters (Emily, Marilyn, Vivian, and Lila) are between them. 

Friday, July 5th     

After work I visited my Aunt Brenda who was in the hospital. This week was another reminder of how fragile the generation above me is.  

Saturday, July 6th     

Heard while I was cleaning the bathroom (I was talking to myself): As soon as I finish here I’m going to take a little lunch break & do the floors. For half an hour. Or longer! I’m not the boss of me!

Dr. M says, “Summertime supper: bibs optional but recommended.” I put a fried egg on my mater sammich. Yum!

I’m feeling a little ill about how things will go next week. I’m only a part of the team, but somehow it feels like it will be all my fault if things go sideways. It’s a bit of a moral failing. Do you ever take responsibility for things that aren’t really your fault? 


  1. If I'm invested in something, I do tend to take on a great deal of ownership. When I work on political campaigns and the candidate loses, I'm devastated for weeks. And so disappointed in people. It's hard not to take things personally, even though intellectually, I know better.

    Those lilies are spectacular. Nature's fireworks, indeed.

    1. Those lilies are some of my favorites. And I'm not surprised that you feel the same way I do - I think it's because we're Extra Competent.

  2. that cupcake matches your glasses perfectly.

  3. I'd have loved to see a picture of your face right after you took that first bite of cupcake!

    1. I actually thought about posting just such a photo. Ha!

  4. That cupcake looks ghastly. Of course, I'm not a fan of frosting, except perhaps the cream cheese frosting used on some cakes. With a cupcake, the proportion has to be just right. On the other hand, those blueberries and that tomato look scrumptious. I hope everything goes well with your new system. We're just trying to get the old system up and running here, since hurricane Beryl did a number on us. High water, closed roads, and no power are the issues of the day - but in a couple of days, things will be better. I was lucky enough to keep power through it all, and that meant both AC and coffee. Yea!

    1. I wondered how you were doing! I'm glad you didn't lose power.

  5. It's perfectly understandable that you'd feel pressure about next week. I hope it all goes well, and I bet it will! Sorry about your uncle. Having elderly relatives is hard. I think I've said this before, but our day lilies are very similar to yours!


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2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-eight

This post will be a little different than usual. I do still want to share a few pictures from last week, but Hurricane Helene derailed our l...