Sunday, July 14, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-seven

Well, this past week was pretty stressful. The payroll functioned as it should for the most part. There were some issues, and we all spent a lot of time talking to employees answering questions. It might be wishful thinking, but I think this next week will be a lot better. We shall see!
Sunday, July 7th        
I got this lovely book today. I’ve been ordering random children’s books as I run across them for my great-nephews. I have quite a stack. Some of them are kind of…weird. Imagine that!

Monday, July 8th    

I had the worst acid reflux attack I’ve ever experienced Sunday night and even though I went to work I looked so bad I got sent back home. I decided to make myself some chicken noodle soup. I only had a few ingredients - chicken broth, spaghetti noodles, & canned chicken - but it was pretty tasty. I did run into an issue - did you know that spaghetti noodles don’t stay on spoons very well? Ha! I chopped them up a little bit with a meat chopper. 

Dr. M found a butterfly!

Tuesday, July 9th   

No photo.

Wednesday, July 10th   

No photo.

Thursday, July 11th    

Dr. M says Beauty and the Beast!

Friday, July 12th     
Went to visit Dad and Sue after work & looked through some of my uncle John’s photo albums. He was a handsome devil!

Saturday, July 13th     

I saw the meme on the left on Friday & it gave me a great idea for breakfast! Surprisingly delicious!

Because my week was stressful I never have recovered from my “attack.” I went to our work clinic and got a med to help calm things down, but it hasn’t really helped very much. I thought I was better yesterday, but then Trump was shot & that just ramped things up again. I have always carried any stress in my gut and I am NOT handling it very well. I just have to hope that when things calm down
I will calm down. How do you react to stress in your life?


  1. I've never thought of orange daylilies as beastly, but whatever. That frog is beautiful! (LOL!) This is my week to get back on track. Nothing will destroy good dietary habits faster than a hurricane. I managed to stay away from ice cream and cookies this time, but there was a lot of crackers and cheese and such consumed -- and far more than was necessary. Now, Beryl is gone, the electricity is back at home and work, and a routine actually sounds good.

    My great discovery of the week was that the glass screen protector I put on my iphone actually works. I'll spare you the details, but I thought I'd managed to crack my phone's screen. Nope. I took off the protector, and the screen was fine. I put on a new protector, and went merrily on my way. I love it when products work as advertised!

    1. Hahahaha! You're hilarious (but not wrong).

  2. I'm sorry about your stress reaction. It's terrible to get sick from stress.

    I carry all my stress in my neck and shoulders, and they hurt for weeks on end. I have muscle relaxers, but to be honest, they don't help all that much. Taking walks is helpful--getting out and appreciating nature and feeling like I'm doing something for my health is always good. And reminding myself to take deep breaths.

    I hope you feel much better (and lighter) soon. XO

    1. Thank you! I should definitely be walking more.

  3. I love that your reaction to that meme was to make fries and an egg, rather than yogurt and a peach! LOL

    As you know I have plenty of gut issues as well, so I can identify. Maybe some of it is stress, but it's hard to know. Taking a PPI (lansoprazole) has helped me a lot. I bet your situation will settle down once you're through this stressful time at work.

    1. Yes - I think once we're on the other side of this transition my gut will calm down!

  4. That's a huge win that payroll switched over without mass devastation! Well done! I do not use Facebook, I do not watch any news on TV or have alerts to my phone. Any news I take in, I try to get from a neutral source, not left or right leaning (Difficult to find!!) 1440 Daily Digest is one. I also take a solo walk in nature nearly everyday. My inner peace is something I take very seriously! Different personality types handle things in different ways. (hearts to you!)

    1. We were pretty happy - only two people (out of 700) didn't get a check at all and most of the others were actually correct!

  5. I understand the MAGAts are incensed that we on the left are just shrugging about Trump's nicked ear. why aren't we outraged? well, #1 we are sick of all things Trump and #2, this is what they get for espousing violence for the last 10 years and shrugging it off when school children get massacred. it's their chicken that came home to roost. and yeah, looked like fried egg and fries to me too.

    1. I agree with you about the violence. And I'm stunned that my breakfast didn't fool you. Ha!

  6. Judy has gut issues too, nearly every day, and doctors can't seem to find out why or how to fix it. I hope you have recovered by now and are feeling better. Maybe a fried egg and some fries would fix you up! That actually sounds good to me.

    1. I'm feeling much better! Tell Judy I take Nexium every day, but for this flare up I had to add Sucralfate. It took a few days but it helped. (In case that's useful info for her.)

  7. Handling stress is a project that I freely admit that I'm losing. Politically the last couple of weeks since the debate have me wistfully reviewing my old W. Bush era plans to flee to another country. Holy Cow, I'd joyfully kiss W Bush's dirty feet right now if somehow he was magically made president again.
    Contrary to what my two Trump loving brothers might think the news of the assassination attempt was a nightmare to me.
    Throw in the fact that while I'm doing pretty good, I'm still Status six on the heart transplant list meaning I'm living a box of going to work, going home, with numerous trips down to Charleston to be poked and prodded by doctors.
    Sorry to hear about your acid reflux incident. Had a few of them in the past and it's no fun.

    1. Yeah - you don't seem like the kind of guy who can just calm down on command. But I hope you can maybe tune out the current crisis and concentrate on taking care of YOU!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-two

Old Business: Reader, I did have a fever (100.6), but felt much better on Sunday.  New Business: Reader, I woke up Monday morning with both ...