Saturday, July 27, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Twenty-nine

People. It is Saturday night and I did not work today. And I don’t plan to work tomorrow! I thought about it. I could have brought my laptop home & got a lot done. BUT I DID NOT. I hardly know what to do with myself. (Well, obviously right now I’m doing this.)

Sunday, July 21st         

I’m just going to leave this right here.

Monday, July 22nd     

Went through some complicated hoops to get my mom’s diamond pendant onto this necklace Dr. M gave me because I wanted to wear them together. It kept flipping up, so I decided that it was a fashion statement. Or a symbol to summon a demon. Who even knows the difference these days?

Tuesday, July 23rd   

It was the 35th anniversary of our 1st kiss so you get another look at my lovely flowers. Mwah sweetie!

Wednesday, July 24th   

Got my hair did. And boy did it need it!

Thursday, July 25th    

Dr. M had this fabulous idea of putting Laughing Cow cheese on corn on the cob. It was delicious! And I ate it with my usual decorum. (Also, just noticed while I was putting this post together that I my hair is stuck in the cheese on my face. I’m ridiculous.)

Friday, July 26th     

Posted this on the socials asking if this is how an influencer poses. 

Snuck away from work to go to my Uncle John’s service at the National Cemetery about an hour away. This is a photo of his wife and remaining siblings. My dad is the only one looking at me. 

Meanwhile, Dr. M took his Pop on a ramble.

Saturday, July 27th     

About a month ago someone I followed talked about getting something from The Happy Givers. I was in the mood to spend money, so I checked it out & decided to get a mystery order called the Surprise and Delight package. It came today and oh my goodness! I was so thrilled with all the things! It’s especially satisfying because 100% of their proceeds go to help folks in need (rebuilding houses in Puerto Rico, community garden, social kitchen, etc.). Happy Givers indeed!

Not only has work calmed down, my body has calmed down (my BP was down from 170/90 at my doctor's appointment on Tuesday to 129/74 yesterday). And now it feels like there is hope in the land once again. There’s so much excitement and determination to harness this new Democratic momentum. I’m thinking about getting some Chucks. Although at my age I’d need to add some orthotics to them. Maybe I should just wear pearls. (No, I don’t have Kamala fever - why do you ask?) What are you thinking? Will this momentum last until November? Do you think we can win?


  1. It's all about getting out the vote. Time to get involved and organize, like back in the Obama campaign days. Enthusiasm has to translate into action and action into voting. This is a pivotal election--and it's only 100 days away.

  2. I think we can win, more we have to win. and now the contrast between an accomplished vibrant younger candidate and their sallow old man with the same old miserable schtick of hate and me, me, me and a VP who hates women is doing them no favors. I love that every time Harris refers to Trump it's as a criminal.

    1. The Kamala HQ account on twitter has been on fire!

  3. I definitely think we can win! I love all your swag from the Happy Givers. And I am so impressed you mark the anniversary of your first kiss! I don't even know when my first kiss with Dave was. (I do remember when we had our first date...was that also our first kiss? Hmmm...)

    1. That kiss was very momentous for us both - because "he was the last person on campus I was going to date." Ha!

  4. We have to win. We either win or sink into an abyss. I'm thin on absolutes-- like Obi-Wan says only the Sith believe in them. But this is the exception.

  5. Judy asked me that same question today: do you think the Kamala fervor will last until November? I told her I thought it would and that it might even grow stronger. (I am a helpless optimist.)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...