Saturday, September 14, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six

People. I am on vacation! I don’t have to go to work until Monday the 23rd! I mean, I did bring my laptop home, but I don’t plan to look at it until Wednesday at the earliest because Dr. M & I are Going On An Adventure. Happy sigh. But first, what happened this past week?

Sunday, September 8th        

Headed to church this morning & this song came on. I’m hovering somewhere between belief and unbelief but I still have faith that the church can do good in the world (especially my church, but I’m biased). And even a hermit like I am needs community. So every Sunday is a will she won’t she. Today will she won & as usual I was glad. Still somehow thrives this love.

Later I finally finished the Cat Pod I’d been working on! Not having an actual cat, I used this somewhat similar substitute to model the thing. Stay tuned for photos later in the week with actual cats!

Monday,  September 9th  

I had this feeling that someone was staring at me, but one of my FB friends said that I was actually being laughed at. Hmph. 

Tuesday, September 10th   

Dr. M & I dipped in & out of the debate, but I mostly kept track by reading this message thread that one of the folks I follow had. It was VERY entertaining.

Wednesday, September 11th     

Now that the cat pod has been completed (and isn’t it interesting to contemplate how cats have been used this election cycle?), I picked up this project. I’m a little worried about having enough yarn so imagine my dismay when I saw it was discontinued. I could order some off of eBay but why do that when I could just end up with something too small & have to give it to a child? Just playing crochet roulette over here folks. Whee!

Thursday, September 12th     

It’s so pretty around here…

Friday, September 13th      

We use a lot of folders at work & my “work wife” decided that we should all have some pretty ones! This one made me laugh & laugh because of the definition at the top left. Degenerately indeed!

Saturday, September 14th      

Out front, it’s a sedum/morning glory jungle, with occasional azalea & bumble.

As promised, here is the cat pod in action! An Ohio friend had asked if I would make it for her & she got it today. I hope her cats find hours of enjoyment. 

So what did you guys think about the debate? Do you think it will help with the election? It’s astonishing to me that it’s still so close. What in the actual world. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-five

It’s September & I’m feeling my usual angst about The Coming of the Dark. I mean, it’s nice that it’s not 90 degrees, but still… 

Sunday, September 1st        

No other photo, so you get this one of me after church. I do believe I was in the drive-through line at KFC. Ha!

Monday,  September 2nd 

Your weekly morning glories. They’re taking over the yard, but I can’t be mad about it.

Tuesday, September 3rd   

Dr. M says it’s not easy being green in a concrete world!

Wednesday, September 4th     

Walking in to work this morning my coworker said she thought I was wearing Jesus earrings & I said I AM!! (To be clear, I know Kamala isn’t Jesus. Just in case you’re worried about my eternal salvation.)

Dr. M says, as Saint Buffy of Sunnydale reminded us, “The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live.”

Thursday, September 5th     

It’s muscadine season!

Friday, September 6th      

These spider lilies at my dad’s house are so pretty!

Saturday, September 7th      

So I said to myself, “Self! It’s a lovely mild September day! Go crochet on the deck!” Turns out sitting in full sun with yarn on your lap isn’t actually very mild. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️๐ŸŒž๐Ÿงถ

Dr. M took a photo of one of my favorite views. He says that the soybeans are looking good!

This week has been pretty heavy. One of my favorite people that I follow, Sharon McMahon, wrote a post about how we are sacrificing our children on the altar of firearm worship. She said that we need to melt down that golden calf, and I agree. We’ve all said all the words there are to say. I feel some despair, but also a smidge of hope. But that hope depends on everyone voting. I’m ready - are you?

Sunday, September 1, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-four

This week had some drama, some mysteries, and, once again, more pictures of me than we necessarily need. Let’s check it out!

Sunday, August 25th        

We sang the Black National Anthem at church today and, fresh from the DNC, it gave me all kinds of feelings.

Monday,  August 26th 

Drama! Intrigue! Mystery! I washed my makeup brushes on Saturday and then when I went to use them on Sunday one was missing! It’s a mere few feet from the bathroom sink to my makeup table but Dr. M & I looked everywhere & couldn’t find it. On Monday morning it still wasn’t there (the nerve!). I told the interwebs that I was going to start looking in the freezer & Dr. M’s toothbrush cup. Later that day Dr. M looked again and found it in the pocket of the hoodie that hangs on the back of the chair. I guess we didn’t really look everywhere in the first place.

Tuesday, August 27th    

I found this mustache on my desk & was wondering if this is what I would look like if I quit waxing my upper lip. 

Meanwhile, Dr. M found this battered spicebush swallowtail. I especially love the shot of it with its snoot down in the almost closed up morning glory.

Wednesday, August 28th     

Morning Glories!

I wore my new t-shirt while I was mall walking after work. Makes me smile. 

Thursday, August 29th     

I didn’t have a photo for today, so I’m sharing this from the way back that my nephew’s wife found while doing genealogy research. This is me in college around 1985 or ‘86, with my sorority sisters (it was a brand new sorority that we created - I was the founding treasurer). Just look at these ‘80s fashions. The clothes! The hair! My poofy sleeves and bow tie!!! 

Friday, August 30th      

I wanted a new Facebook profile pic with some blue in it ๐Ÿ’™ 

Saturday, August 31st      

I watched some of the Paralympics and love that after they got their medals, the athletes received this plushie instead of the poster that the athletes got at the other games (although it was really cool!). The box just seemed more awkward to hold than the plushie was. (I found out later that everyone got both - just one group got the box during the ceremony & one group got the plushie.)

People, it’s September now. What in the world. Now that the season is turning toward fall I can finally think about what to do with this cardigan (I couldn’t face imagining someone wearing it when I finished it in June). I’ve decided to give it away, so if you are interested I will add your name to the hat. It’s a large and I think it’s perfect for the person who wants to match the Thanksgiving tablecloth. Let me know!

2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six

People. I am on vacation! I don’t have to go to work until Monday the 23rd! I mean, I did bring my laptop home, but I don’t plan to look at ...