Saturday, September 21, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven

 We had a great time on our vacation - lots of photos this week!

Sunday, September 15th        

The deck on our hotel room in Dillsboro was fabulous - I decided that I would just live out there.

Monday,  September 16th  

We spent some time driving around the mountains today, but first, Dr. M spent some quality time deck sitting.

Tuesday, September 17th   

Happy birthday to my dad! (They were on their own mountain jaunt, so I didn’t feel bad about not being with him on his big day). Meanwhile, can you tell which bed belonged to Captain Chaos?

Then we went on a 4 ½ hour train ride along the Nantahala Gorge! It was a rainy day, but we didn’t care. The train was super comfortable and the views were lovely. This is a small fraction of the photos we took. 

There was a wandering musician on the train who took requests. A little girl requested Taylor Swift and then she & her mom sang along with him. It was great!

And yes we bought the cheesy photo. Makes us smile. It was a fun day!

Wednesday, September 18th     

Headed home today. It was a bit foggy! 

Thursday, September 19th     

Started a new crochet project (another cat pod for someone who requested it).

Friday, September 20th      

Update from Elliott’s mom: He had surgery this week so that the doctors could find out why Elliott has difficulty swallowing. So much so that he is still 100% formula fed at 15 months old. Well we finally got our answer! Elliott has Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). Hopefully with some meds this can be controlled, but there is a very real chance that Elliott will never eat the foods you and I eat. This is an extreme allergy to the common food groups: wheat, soy, dairy, nuts, eggs, and fish. This is a chronic lifelong condition with no cure. Over the next few months/year we will be doing trials to find out what foods are triggering for him, and removing them from his diet. For now, we try meds and do a repeat endoscopy in 2 months to see if they help. Here's to hoping he can still enjoy chocolate milk (it’s actually his formula, but chocolate flavored)

Extra photo because he’s adorable.

Saturday, September 21st      

One of my internet friends had sent me a video of a person who made a “soap saver” gadget (upper right photo) that helped make soap stick together. I decided that a fork would probably work, and it DID! I’ve had three showers with the glommed together soap & it is still intact. Woot!

I’ve had a great week. Tomorrow is church and grocery buying and spending time with family and then it’s back to work on Monday. How was your week?

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2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven

  We had a great time on our vacation - lots of photos this week! Sunday, September 15th         The deck on our hotel room in Dillsboro was...