Saturday, September 14, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six

People. I am on vacation! I don’t have to go to work until Monday the 23rd! I mean, I did bring my laptop home, but I don’t plan to look at it until Wednesday at the earliest because Dr. M & I are Going On An Adventure. Happy sigh. But first, what happened this past week?

Sunday, September 8th        

Headed to church this morning & this song came on. I’m hovering somewhere between belief and unbelief but I still have faith that the church can do good in the world (especially my church, but I’m biased). And even a hermit like I am needs community. So every Sunday is a will she won’t she. Today will she won & as usual I was glad. Still somehow thrives this love.

Later I finally finished the Cat Pod I’d been working on! Not having an actual cat, I used this somewhat similar substitute to model the thing. Stay tuned for photos later in the week with actual cats!

Monday,  September 9th  

I had this feeling that someone was staring at me, but one of my FB friends said that I was actually being laughed at. Hmph. 

Tuesday, September 10th   

Dr. M & I dipped in & out of the debate, but I mostly kept track by reading this message thread that one of the folks I follow had. It was VERY entertaining.

Wednesday, September 11th     

Now that the cat pod has been completed (and isn’t it interesting to contemplate how cats have been used this election cycle?), I picked up this project. I’m a little worried about having enough yarn so imagine my dismay when I saw it was discontinued. I could order some off of eBay but why do that when I could just end up with something too small & have to give it to a child? Just playing crochet roulette over here folks. Whee!

Thursday, September 12th     

It’s so pretty around here…

Friday, September 13th      

We use a lot of folders at work & my “work wife” decided that we should all have some pretty ones! This one made me laugh & laugh because of the definition at the top left. Degenerately indeed!

Saturday, September 14th      

Out front, it’s a sedum/morning glory jungle, with occasional azalea & bumble.

As promised, here is the cat pod in action! An Ohio friend had asked if I would make it for her & she got it today. I hope her cats find hours of enjoyment. 

So what did you guys think about the debate? Do you think it will help with the election? It’s astonishing to me that it’s still so close. What in the actual world. 


  1. Adventure is good! I wonder if you're headed to the shore; I know that's a favorite place. If you are, I hope that little critter roaming offshore goes elsewhere and doesn't bother you. That cat in the last photo looks totally unbothered. It finally came to me: your catpod is a knitted equivalent of an empty paper bag, and we know how the kitties love those!

    I love seeing your (and Dr. M's) field photos. The rice and cotton are harvested or almost so now, and there's a lot of hay being baled. We're moving toward the time of harvest, which means autumn, which means coolth! I can't wait!

    1. I know you are SO READY for some coolth! We're headed to the mountains - don't want to be TOO far away from Dr. M's dad if something comes up.

  2. your friend's cats seem to like it. mine still likes to sleep in her box. I love k. d. lang but I hardly ever listen to music anymore. I'm fully in the unbelief camp. why can't people just have a community that feeds the hungry and clothes the poor, all that helping stuff, without attaching religion to it.

    1. That would be less complicated, wouldn't it? I hardly ever listen to music either - usually just on Sunday morning on my way to church to warm up my vocal chords so I don't squeak on the hymns.

  3. That cat pod would be almost a beret for my huge cats LOL. I love the way that house panther is making good use of it.

    VP Harris did well in the debate. She has seen a good bounce in the polls from it, but I don't put stock in polls. The fact that anyone even considers the felon seriously as a candidate for anything continues to astonish me.

    I've been an atheist for decades and decades after being raised Roman Catholic. So much about religion is wrong to me, and I've yet to see positive outcomes from it historically or currently. I think ellen's question is a terrific one. I don't need an ecclesiastical reason to Be Kind in the world.

    1. You should have seen Mike with the pod on his head - so funny. I wish I'd taken a picture of it.

      Yes - polls are not to be trusted. But I like that they show it so tight because maybe we will all realize how important every vote is.

  4. The woman arrested after she killed and ate a cat was in Canton, Ohio, not Springfield. And she was born in Ohio. And she's not Haitian. What will those two weirdos come up with next?

    1. I know - and Vance admitted that he pushed the story to create media attention.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...