Sunday, September 1, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-four

This week had some drama, some mysteries, and, once again, more pictures of me than we necessarily need. Let’s check it out!

Sunday, August 25th        

We sang the Black National Anthem at church today and, fresh from the DNC, it gave me all kinds of feelings.

Monday,  August 26th 

Drama! Intrigue! Mystery! I washed my makeup brushes on Saturday and then when I went to use them on Sunday one was missing! It’s a mere few feet from the bathroom sink to my makeup table but Dr. M & I looked everywhere & couldn’t find it. On Monday morning it still wasn’t there (the nerve!). I told the interwebs that I was going to start looking in the freezer & Dr. M’s toothbrush cup. Later that day Dr. M looked again and found it in the pocket of the hoodie that hangs on the back of the chair. I guess we didn’t really look everywhere in the first place.

Tuesday, August 27th    

I found this mustache on my desk & was wondering if this is what I would look like if I quit waxing my upper lip. 

Meanwhile, Dr. M found this battered spicebush swallowtail. I especially love the shot of it with its snoot down in the almost closed up morning glory.

Wednesday, August 28th     

Morning Glories!

I wore my new t-shirt while I was mall walking after work. Makes me smile. 

Thursday, August 29th     

I didn’t have a photo for today, so I’m sharing this from the way back that my nephew’s wife found while doing genealogy research. This is me in college around 1985 or ‘86, with my sorority sisters (it was a brand new sorority that we created - I was the founding treasurer). Just look at these ‘80s fashions. The clothes! The hair! My poofy sleeves and bow tie!!! 

Friday, August 30th      

I wanted a new Facebook profile pic with some blue in it 💙 

Saturday, August 31st      

I watched some of the Paralympics and love that after they got their medals, the athletes received this plushie instead of the poster that the athletes got at the other games (although it was really cool!). The box just seemed more awkward to hold than the plushie was. (I found out later that everyone got both - just one group got the box during the ceremony & one group got the plushie.)

People, it’s September now. What in the world. Now that the season is turning toward fall I can finally think about what to do with this cardigan (I couldn’t face imagining someone wearing it when I finished it in June). I’ve decided to give it away, so if you are interested I will add your name to the hat. It’s a large and I think it’s perfect for the person who wants to match the Thanksgiving tablecloth. Let me know!


  1. It irritates me a bit that "Lift Every Voice" has become known popularly as the Black national anthem. It's in the Lutheran hymnal, and it was sung at my ordination in 1981. It's a song for everyone, and could be meaningful for everyone: not just one community. I hate that it's become so politicized and divisive. (And that certainly isn't the sole fault of the Black churches or communities. They weren't the ones throwing a fit about it being sung at football games and such.)

    I love that butterfly with its butt sticking out of the flower. At first, I thought your 'mustache' was a butterfly -- flying up your nose like the bluebird of happiness! Speaking of blue, blue's not my color, but I do like those solid blue frames you're wearing.

    1. Now having a butterfly fly up my nose would be something else!

  2. that picture of you sorority young ladies look like you could all be related. except for those two blonds, how did they get in?

    1. The one right beside me is my best friend & first cousin. I feel like she was the one who made me join in the first place. Ha!

  3. I love your Harris-Walz shirt! Where did you get it?

    That IS a good shot of the butterfly. And yeah, those clothes are very '80s.

    The right-hand athlete looks rather skeptical of her plushie.

    1. Sadly, I got it on Amazon & now I wonder about the seller because when I go to that page it no longer exits. Hmmm.

    2. Oh, bummer! Well, at least they sent you the shirt and didn't just keep your money.

  4. I'd be tempted to buy one of those tee shirts if I didn't live in Yavapai County, Arizona, the most conservative one in the state. I mean, lots of people are armed!

    1. Yeah - I was a smidge nervous wearing it out & about at the mall, but decided to just go for it.

  5. Oh I love Lift Every Voice and Sing. It always stirs my soul and lifts my spirits. Glad it does something for you too. As it was written by 2 Black men as a rallying cry in the Black community, at a time of much active White crime against Black Americans, it is a soulful plea and anthem. I’ve seen it in Presbyterian hymnals and heard it in Catholic services. Just because it can be applied universally and has been shared for all does not mean it should be taken away from its very Black roots. (And I’ve been so intrigued by your glasses)! Grace (first time commenting).

    1. I totally agree about the hymn - we need to remember its origins. I'm a little bit obsessed with my glasses - trying very hard to not try to get a new topper for every single outfit. Ha!


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