Saturday, October 5, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-nine

This was a week of mourning and calls to action, of sitting with disbelief and getting shit done, of wanting to change our climate wrecking ways and missing our creature comforts. Also there were wars and rumors of wars, lies and damned lies, and the US election train barreling down the tracks. Whew!

Sunday, September 29th        

Day three of no power. We took our laundry to Dad & Sue’s house and Dr. M talked politics with Dad while Sue & I went to our churches. Then my brother & his wife came over and we had lunch. It was nice! But no photos of that - instead you get photos of our homesteading efforts that night. This was a time when I was really glad to have books on my kindle app on my phone - no need to try to read by lantern light!

Monday,  September 30th  

No photo today, so here is a picture of our sheep neighbors from last week. They remind me of this sheep art installation from a few years ago - ha!

Tuesday, October 1st    

Our power came back on! Woohoo!

Wednesday, October 2nd   

No photo. 

Thursday, October 3rd     

I just wanted to give a shout out to the spider in my shower this morning. Most of the time I have to perform some sort of gymnastic routine to avoid washing my visitors down the drain. This little dude(ette?) scurried behind the shower curtain & has lived to see another day. Good work! Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.

Friday, October 4th      

I finally updated my wooden calendar and I had to laugh at myself. Dr. M painted a lovely square for Columbus Day, but of course that’s something we don’t really celebrate anymore. Last year I just left it off. This year I tried something different. Ha! (Note: I added the vote square to the show first day of early voting in NC.)

Saturday, October 5th      

I’ve spent the day catching up on reading and cleaning the house. A couple of weeks ago I signed up to write postcards to send to voters and they arrived yesterday - all 200 of them. Oh my goodness what in the world was I thinking? I have terrible handwriting and also I have some arthritis or some such in my right thumb. I think I’m supposed to have a card writing party, but that involves asking people and arranging things. However, I have 21 days before I’m supposed to mail them & if I do 10 per day then I shouldn’t have to try to gather friends together in some fashion. Sounds like a plan to me!

I am the Queen of Compartmentalizing so because I was trying to not think too much about the devastation to the west of me I was SO PRODUCTIVE at work this week! I started tackling a big project I’ve been dreading, and also took care of some other things that I’d been avoiding. Now that it’s the weekend I’m allocating more of my bandwidth to the world around me. Hard but necessary focus. What are you doing this weekend?

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2024 Project 365 – Week Thirty-nine

This was a week of mourning and calls to action, of sitting with disbelief and getting shit done, of wanting to change our climate wrecking ...