Sunday, October 13, 2024

2024 Project 365 – Week Forty

I’ve got nothing for this space. Use your imagination!

Sunday, October 6th        

We had a lovely service at church this morning for this World Communion Sunday. I was taken with the artwork on the bulletin (you can see it here). My cousin pointed out the cat at the table and that made me smile. 

Monday,  October 7th  

I don’t know why I let things get this close. Well, I do know why - I’m a procrastinator. I just hope Dr. M or my dad are understanding when I finally push it too far & have to call them to rescue me.

Dr M.’s 5th Great Grandparents, John and Margaret Hoyle. John fought at the Battle of Kings Mountain, in 1780. Me being me, I can’t stop thinking about how the gravestones look like cute little ghosts. Yes, I know I am terrible. 

Tuesday, October 8th    

I went out during my lunch hour to see if the bridge on my usual route to work had been fixed after the flooding. Nope. I need to find a more efficient method of checking on this (will I remember to look into it after I finish writing this post? Magic Eight Ball says Not Likely Based on Prior Experience.)

Wednesday, October 9th   

I thought I was cute today but on my way to work I looked down at my watch band in horror (trust me, the color clashing was more startling in person). Nothing I could do about it, but I did fix the “off white socks that look like white socks” situation during lunch. Hey, I needed new socks anyway!

And because you’re getting two photos of me this week, here is an adorable picture of Dr. M looking all pleased with himself after changing the battery in his dad’s truck and getting it inspected. 

Thursday, October 10th     

No photo.

Friday, October 11th      

Irony: I opened the door for a service worker this morning & he said, “Thank you sweetie!” And I said without even thinking, “I am NOT your sweetie!” While wearing my Down Syndrome awareness t-shirt that says In a World Where You Can Be Anything, BE KIND. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 

Saturday, October 12th      

Dr. M says that it’s time for the Changing of the Beans! Ah, one of my favorite seasons.

I have an idea for an AMAZING dinner! An open faced fried bologna & fried egg sandwich smothered in peas! Who’s with me? (I posted this on the socials and got NO TAKERS. Cowards.)

I’ve been faithfully working on my postcards. It’s definitely a labor of love for me because of my ornery thumb. But I want your opinion. I’m using one of the provided scripts, but I’ve changed some of the wording. 

Original: Who you vote for is private, but whether you vote is public record. 

My version: Whether you vote is public record, but who you vote for is private.

I feel like the original version is vaguely threatening. What do you think? I’m overthinking it, aren’t I? Because overthinking is my middle name: Danabugly Overthinking It Rhyne.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the wording seems sort of threatening and unfriendly. I don't even use it. I write my own script and include "I never let an opportunity go by to make my voice heard, especially when other people are making decisions that affect my life. And my family's."

    If you decide to use your rephrase, please write this: "Whether OR NOT you vote...". It's more grammatically correct. 😘


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2024 Project 365 – Week Forty

I’ve got nothing for this space. Use your imagination! Sunday, October 6th         We had a lovely service at church this morning for this W...