Saturday, March 10, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Ten

Oh my word – this week has a ton of pictures. And I didn’t even use half of the ones I wanted to. Hard cuts were made people, so you’ll just have to endure this marathon post.

Sunday, March 4th    
We pretty much celebrated my birthday all day today. Look at this cake that Daddy& Amy got me! The bug is a rattle they saw in the baby section of the store – ha!

The State of the Bug - highly amused!

After we ate cake, we went to Jason’s Deli & ate salads with my brother & nephew #1 (my sister-in-law & niece were at a cheer competition in Buffalo. My niece won her individual, & her team won the team competition – woot!).

I don't know why B is sideways - it showed up this way in FB too. It amuses me.
Then we went to the mall so that nephew #2, who works at Dairy Queen, could give me a birthday sundae – it was about the best sundae I’ve had in a while!

Not content with sharing all my birthday photos, I had to share two more. The first one is some of the flowers in Daddy & Amy’s yard – they have daffodils everywhere!

And lastly, my dad is growing out his beard for his church’s Easter extravaganza – they’re doing a play using all the characters in the Last Supper painting – he’s Jude Thaddeus. He was performing his soliloquy for me – VERY impressive!

Monday, March 5th
Today was for the birds. Dr. M took all these pictures out the windows of Daddy & Amy’s sunroom.

Tuesday, March 6th
Another bluemillion pictures today. Dr. M took these on his way to & from visiting his dad.

Love this almost-full moon shot.

Plenty of robins around!

Wednesday, March 7th
Here are a couple more bird shots. The cardinal made me laugh out loud.

Daddy & Amy wearing green for their St. Patrick’s Day performance with their singing group.


Almost there…

Ah – the full moon!

Thursday, March 8th   
We drove back home today. On our way we stopped at the New River Trail State Park – Foster Falls in Virginia. It was a glorious day & we enjoyed rambling around taking pictures of the buildings & river - & each other.

Friday, March 9th    
Today it was back to work for me – this was the view from my desk. Beautiful day & lots of work!

Dr. M took these pictures of our crazy back yard.

Saturday, March 10th   
Dr. M fixed my breakfast this morning – as I said on Facebook, he speaks my love language: grits, livermush & runny egg. Yum!

I saw that our daylilies think it’s time to come forth.

While I was taking that picture, Dr. M was stalking a little downy woodpecker – isn’t it cute? I think the second picture looks like a penguin – ha!

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Really liked the moon shots and the birds. Glad you had a nice Birthday celebration!

  2. Nice pictures, but the ice cream sundae looks to die for! Somebody loved you!

  3. Happy Birthday! Cake and ice cream. What more could a Bug wish for?
    I love, love, love the birds with quiffs. So Elvis.

    If the livermush is the brown squares on the plate, I think I'd run screaming. Is it really, er, liver mush? But hard?

  4. Those moon photos are beautiful.

    Birthdays, cakes, sheep, spring flowers...looks like a perfect week!

  5. Looks like you had a great birthday. Congratulations to your niece.

    My granddaughter has a special relationship with ladybugs. They seem to find her and she loves them.

    The birds are beautiful and that first moon shot is incredible. I think of your moon shots when I get up in the middle of the night to pee. That's where I most often see the moon. It shines right through my bathroom window and sometimes it's so bright. I know... too much sharing, but now you know what I'm looking at while I'm peeing.

  6. Wow! Y'all know how to do up birthday's right! :)


  7. Happy belated birthday! You sure have a lot of activity in your yard.

    What the heck is "livermush"????

  8. Sounds like the perfect birthday celebrations!

    LOVE all the bird photos. Makes me want to put a feeder out, though I hear you have to keep filling them up in order to make it effective and I'm just not convinced that would happen.

  9. Love every single bird shot, moon shot, animal guys made my day. I am putting up a bird feeder so I can get some of those famous bird shots. I have birds they are just too far away. Happy belated birthday my friend. Have a wonderful week.

  10. Is livermush like Pennsylvania scrapple? Or is it like braunschweiger? Sigh. So many regional foods!

  11. Southern Appalachian livermush is kin to Pennsylvania scrapple. It's not like braunschweiger, though it is made from pork liver. The liver is ground, then boiled with corn meal until it reached the right thickness. After that, it is put into molds and cooled. It is edible at that point, but we prefer to slice ours thin and brown it in a pan, the traditional southern way of eating it. It's a German cultural adaptation to the South, with its abundance of corn, as opposed to European grains. My German ancestors came through Pennsylvania, stayed a whole generation, in fact, and then headed down to western NC.

  12. So call it scrapple's southern cousin, Nance! I should add that, while it has a lot of sodium, the brand we buy is naturally low in fat and is a wonderful source of iron. But, yeah, if you don't like liver, best run screaming from it :-)

  13. Such great photos, love the little bug on your cake.
    Belated Happy Birthday, for my next birthday I'm flying over to yours for that ice cream sundae thingy, would it worth the 3000+ miles?:)

  14. Livermush.......eeeeuuuuuu!

    but Dr. M was sweet to fix you your fav breakfast!

    Happy Birthday, Cake and a sundae..yummy!

    Great week!

  15. happy birthday!!!
    I can see a family resemblance in your brother! :-)
    that sundae looks heavenly, but ill pass on the liver mush, thank you.
    have a great week!

  16. Such a wonderful celebration for you - everything wonderful, except for the livermush. Although, I did grow up with that Braunschwager stuff and liked it, and liver and onions is ok if done right, so it might be ok.

    What's more than ok are all these wonderful photos. I can't believe all your birds, and that full moon. And the smiles on all those people who love you. What's not to love right back about that?

    Thanks so much for putting up so many pics - I just enjoy them so much!

  17. (clears throat and warbles tunelessly)

    HaPeeee BirTHDay Twooooooo yeouuuuuu
    Haaapeee biRThday toooooo yooooo...

    Love the shots of the moon

  18. Ahhh... I love your birthday bug! :) Looks like you had a great time celebrating, as you surely should :)

  19. Happy belated birthday! Glad you got to celebrate!

  20. And a happy belated birthday to you!
    No wonder you had trouble culling photos -- great shots!
    My fav is the almost full moon shot -- thinking what a great art quilt that would make!
    I want that sheep dog! hahaha He's gorgeous.
    That state park looks lovely.
    Not a big fan of livermush but the grits and runny eggs do look good!
    Sounds like you had a good birthday week :)

  21. The dog guarding the sheep... I read somewhere that breed bonds with its charges and stay with them until called away. Great photos, a window into your (different) world.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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