Monday, March 12, 2012

Mother Earth

image: Uzengia Aleksander Nedic

Mother Earth

Alice was having a bad day.
Looked at the rabbit hole
and thought of her namesake.
Fantastical world?
Or dirt in her ears?
And did it even matter?
Carefully, carefully
cradling her wounds
she descended into
Mother’s arms.

This is a Magpie Tale. Please head over here to read other responses to the prompt.


  1. Alice is having another bad day? That poor child can't catch a break.

  2. There are times when giving it up and letting go....are the best answer.....we did go different directions with our posts, but I still think yours is creative and cleverly written Bug. I guess we don't need to go ask Alice. :-)

  3. Bug, Carrie & Helen ... let's form a trio and sing 'Go Ask Alice!' :)

  4. I'm reading this a little differently, I guess. That rabbit hole is sounding an awfully lot like a grave - I suppose it's the dirt in the ears reference.

    I do like the poem, a lot - it's complex as can be. Fantasy or reality - does it ever matter, really? Maybe we have to head down the rabbit hole to find out!

  5. wow powerful piece bug...the giving up at the end esp...returning to the earth...shivers.

  6. Yeah, pretty dark, there! But interesting.

    Congrats to Dr. M on his tenure!!!

  7. lovely ending - the mother stuck out for me at first - till I thought of mother earth and went Duh, then Ahhh! in appreciation

  8. Another good one. You've enough for a book by now...

  9. How often have we wanted those fantasy world escape portals to exist. Oh yeah.

  10. Nice, Bug.

    Oh, Alice. I do sympathize.

  11. Thanks this is a good piece, which can go positively- or not!

  12. Sometimes nothing can comfort like Mother Earth...nice Bug...

  13. What is a tenure? Sounds great.
    Today I read the last post from Travels with Persephone - where Amanda steps into the Cheops Pyramid and walks/crawls all the way to the Pharao`s grave. Not exactly Mother Earth, but the likeness hit me.

  14. I'm thinking the rabbit hole pictured is a metaphor for a soak in the jetted tub and a glass of addictive wine. I'm in. *big sigh*

  15. Oh I love this! LOVE this! :-) How cool...

  16. I think Alice has been smoking...

  17. descended into mother's arms - a bit like Persephone

    depth of field

  18. Love it - and Rudees comment!

    Anna :o]

  19. A nice literary allusion with a morbid twist. Nicely done. My late Magpie is Lifesaver.


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