Wednesday, March 7, 2012

And Thus The Things of Which Nurse Rudee Spake May Come to Pass

Forgive me interwebs, for I have eaten cake. And it was good. Also I have not always gotten to bed at the prescribed hour.  And that was bad. On the other hand I have said the rosary every night. So that was good.

Thus endeth my interim Lenten report.

I’ve been hanging out with my dad & Amy, walking at the mall, and mostly doing this:

I created an inadvertent pyramid
So I ripped it out & then did this, which is somewhat better.

But the best is my patent-pending small-waisted dish cloth! Obviously, the ends of my rows could use some work. Ha!

I bought this yesterday - 

I've already started working on the one that looks like creamsicle
...and now I'm afraid that what Rudee said on my post yesterday is going to come true:

Before you know it, you'll be enslaved by that crochet hook and fiber. The road is a slippery slope to a sheep farm where you will become enamored of the ancient art of sheering sheep and learning to spin the fiber into wool. Dr. M will be your enabler. Before long, you'll be dragging anyone who'll go to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and entering the sheep to shawl contest.

It hasn't helped that my sister-in-law Bren taught me two new stitches the other day. Well, you know that if this prediction comes to pass you'll hear about it here!


  1. My grandmother taught me how to crochet. Haven't really done any in so many years I can't remember but I did make several afghans.

  2. the moving of needles holds a spell over you... a spell that intend involves spending a lot of money on yarn! :)

    I do love the colors of your dishcloths!!! Keep it up. And hey, the triangle one would be good to reach down in small places :) See? Nothing is ever a mess up in fiber works :)

  3. I do so love watching the love of fiber arts grow! Sugar & Cream will make some great washcloths!

    I still haven't talked anyone into entering the sheep to shawl contest. Too many don't want to spin in the grease (dirty fiber)!

  4. ...or you could end up like me.

    I cleaned out a drawer over the summer and came across a set of knitting needles with about thirty rows of baby yarn stitching still on them from about 28 years ago, when I decided to begin a blanket. I lost interest or something, I guess. I really don't remember. I pulled the stitching off, cut it loose and sold the needles and remaining yarn at a garage sale for about 3 bucks. Feel darned good about it, too!

  5. Mrs. C. doesn't iron, much less knit. But I imagine it can be very relaxing, when it's going well.

  6. I haven't knit anything since I was in primary school and the nuns made us knit white knee socks. I remember crying because I couldn't work out the heel part. The tears fell into the wool, such a tragedy.
    I'm sure it's therapeutic if you haven't got tortured memories of knitting like mine:)

  7. I used to crochet all the time. I still have afghans I made in the seventies. My son took one to college and actually brought it back home after four years of God only knows what. I still have it. I hide its seventies color scheme behind the sofa, and pull it out when I need a little coziness. It's so soft.

    You will become addicted. This is a fact.

  8. Looks like a lotta work. Probably cheaper to just buy whatever is is your making, right? Sort of like gardening. I did that once and enjoyed it, although I could have bought twice as much at the store for what I paid in supplies to grow whatever it was I grew. As long as you're having fun. :)


  9. i am too uncoordinated to crochet. It is either too tight....or too lose.

  10. crack me up... you and our oldest (12 yo) could sit in a rocker, crocheting together. love the comment. ha. ;)

  11. that top ball of wool is practically glowing! you're gonna make some funky things!

  12. By George I think she's got it. You will love working with the Alpaca.

  13. Oh, there's my mother's sugar and cream. I wish you were here to teach me how to do dishcloths. I still have about a dozen of the ones she did for me, and I can't bear to use them now, even though they're the best dish cloths in the world. One of them's even that orange sherbet color. Sigh.

    I knew one of "those women" once. She raised sheep, carded the wool, had a spinning wheel and loom. She was a darned happy woman, too. I'd be happy to make a dishcloth.


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