Monday, March 12, 2012


Here is something that happened in the Bug household that’s a Really Big Deal:

Dr. M got tenure!!!

…and a promotion at his university. I’m pretty darn proud of him – he apparently put together a most excellent tenure & promotion portfolio & wowed the Beings in Charge of Such Matters.

Daddy & Amy were pretty proud too – here’s what awaited us when we got to their house (along with a banner & balloon for my birthday).

Love you dear heart – mwah!


  1. Woooohooooo!!!!!!!

    Conga-rats!! *dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-da!*

  2. What a lovely birthday present. :)

  3. Woo-Hoo, Yee-Haw, Gosh Darn, and a big HOORAY!!!

    They know quality when they see it!

  4. Wow! What great news! And by-golly-by-gosh, I got here to read about it before it was week old news. Yea, me!

    But especially, YEA, him! That's a big deal for sure. I'd celebrate for a month. I wonder if I could get tenure somehow..... LOL

  5. So terrific. The Grail of Education, really. Kudos, Professor.

  6. I dont even know what "Tenure" means... but you have BIG BOLD letters & balloons ... so I'll celebrate & say CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  7. what great news! congratulations to the doc.

  8. Thanks, y'all! I was hired on a tenure track contract, and I am good at what I do, so I have had some security the last three years, but tenure gives me another level of security and allows me to participate more fully in shared governance of the university. Yes, that translates to more work, lol! It is a major pat on the back, and protection against arbitrary dismissal, and in my case, it also comes with promotion to Associate Professor, which means a raise :-)

    Dr. M

  9. I don't recall reading about pirates getting tenure. But then he does look like a nice pirate.

  10. It's always wonderful to hear good news! Hip, hip, Hooray...!!!

    Congratulations to you both. :-)

  11. great news, well done to the pirate king!!

  12. Wow! That's great! So, is that his tenured professor's initiation costume? :)


  13. Congratulations, Dr. M! That's awesome and must be entirely satisfying.

  14. Well, that just brought a smile to my face! Congratulations to Dr M and a happy birthday to you.

  15. He looks like a tenured professor to me. Now he can wear that outfit every day!


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