Thursday, June 28, 2012


I'm jumping on the bandwagon & sharing our hotness. As a lovely added twist, the fan on our central air unit stopped working today. Fortunately, Dr. M has rigged a system of fans that is keeping that house at a cool 84 degrees.

Which is good, because my doctor recently confirmed what I have suspected for about a year - I'm fully in menopause now. And while I haven't had the hot flashes I remember from my mother, my cooling system is about as effective as a broken air conditioner!

So I'm just gonna chill & ignore the dirty dishes & hope our landlord calls us back tomorrow!


  1. Air conditioners always seem to break down at the most inopportune moments. I feel for you - I don't know how people managed before air conditioning. Hope yours gets fixed soon.

    Menopause joke: I'm still hot, it just comes in flashes now.

  2. I feel your pain! My house stayed at about 85 all summer. Hoping that we can still afford at least a small a.c. unit for the bedroom once we're done building our house ---- in a year or two. haha

    Hope your a.c. gets fixed quickly!

  3. Remember, Bug, the heat . . external and internal . . shall pass.

  4. Sorry about your air conditioner. As for your menopause, tell Dr. M. I'm praying for him.

  5. We have a very similar forecast. Ug! And we're going to visit Dad this weekend. He has a mid-century rancher, and he never put central air in it. Those window units better be working. I get very grumpy when I'm hot. Have a nice weekend.

  6. oh, plenty of time still for the hot flashes to make their appearance.

  7. Hot here, too, but it wasn't the A/C that was my stooooopid fridge again. Two years old now, it's on it's third fan and second control panel. Life's not particularly good with LG. it got fixed yesterday, but we had to replace all the Popsicles. Who can stand this heat without Popsicles? Or as my son used to say, "pockadoos". I highly recommend them for you to get through this heat wave.

  8. Oh, my laptop is in the shop too. Can't post and can barely make the rounds of blogs.

  9. ...but look at that low humidity! (Says the woman whose AC is working, I know...!)

    BE THE WARRIOR YOU ARE. (There. Did that help?) Sigh.

    I am envious of your menopause. How sad is that? Mine remains ever-elusive, and while I would love to elaborate--complete with creative and evocative metaphors--I will restrain myself since this is a forum read by others who may not fully appreciate my candor in that arena.

    One last try: at least the heat will dull your appetite and assist your weight-loss goals. (!?)

  10. I have two words. Library and movies. Both are cool places to escape the heat until the fan is fixed. Kudos to your resident handyman.


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