Saturday, June 2, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Twenty-Two

Since I’m doing my Zambia posts on Sundays now, I’m going to start posting my pictures Saturday – Friday. That way I get the post up in a timely manner on Saturday & can use that day’s pictures the next week.
Sunday, May 27th
We drove home from NC on Sunday. Before we left, Dr. M took more flower pictures – just to tide us over until we have some flowers of our own.

Monday, May 28th     
We were visited by the white squirrel again! He’s cute in a rodent sort of way…

The moon!

Tuesday, May 29th   
We love the downy woodpecker who visits our suet cake.

I think we might have a daisy or 40 this summer.

Our volunteer tomato plant. We’re leaving those corn looking plants just to see if maybe they are corn. Or maybe garlic. Or, you know, just weeds. You can see our yarrow patch in the back – it’s almost as out of control as the daisies!             

More yarrow pictures – love all the different colors.

I LOVE this cardinal! Singing his fool head off. He looks kind of like a punk rocker to me. Heh.

Wednesday, May 30th   
Dr. M took pictures of roses today – so lovely.

I had this post about cows on Thursday so you can go there to see the rest of the cow pictures. Here’s my favorite.

Dr. M got me this lovely hanging basket – thanks sweetie, it’s gorgeous!

The moon!

Thursday, May 31st      
We sat out back this evening & took a ton of pictures, but the light was kind of low. Here are the ones I liked best. This little hummingbird just sat on the fence for the longest time. So cute!

Dr. M snapped this just as the bird flew away from the cement pond. I think it’s a cool shot.

Friday, June 1st      
The State of the Bug. Guess where I am? The poster in the back might give you a clue. I’m happy to report that everything looks normal. Ha! A lot they know…

I’m trying to walk around the neighborhood every day. This is one of the yards I pass. I just love the flowers in front. The picture isn’t great because of low light, but it gives me an idea of what I might like my yard to look like someday.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Love all your flower pics! And how did you ever get a hummingbird to sit still?

    About that poster behind you...are you telling us something?

  2. Absolutely spectacular flowers. I especially like that yellow hibiscus, if that's what it is.

  3. I have never heard of yarrow before! of course, I am not much of a flower connoisseur but I have never seen those.

    the picture of the cardinal is beautiful!!!

  4. I grow yarrow too in my herb garden. Love the flower shots and the birds, tax time was precious....and I knew Dr. M would have an awesome moon shot. I could hardly wait to see what he got. I have missed you my friend and am feeling better....but not there yet.

  5. That is a beautiful yard in the last shot. I'll be curious to see if your volunteers are corn -- they certainly LOOK cornlike.

  6. lovely photos, as usual! I need to return to walking the neighborhood, to get minimal exercise at the very least, but also to enjoy the yards at this time of year. It IS fun to keep up with what is going on around the 'hood!

  7. You know how much I love your week in photographs! I must say Tax Pig is amazing. Not an easy statue to dress, to say the least.

  8. I love the pig the best. What is she (he) thinking? That bikini, if that's what it is, will not hold up in water!

  9. Urk, the Paper Gown. I'd rather just lie nekkid under a sheet. It's less humiliating, really, than all that crinkling and rustling.

    Your yarrow is gorgeous. Do you dry it? Rick would be in constant Allergy Hell if I had such a patch.

    Finally, I cannot wait to see your daisies.

  10. I vote for corn in the mystery plant category!

    Great flower shots this week. I recently planted some yarrow in my yard. It is still very small so maybe next season I will have some blooms!


  11. Robin: This yarrow is three years does take time to get going, but so worth the wait! Nance: The daisies are coming...they will be spectacular!

  12. You are such a rebel posting on a different day. :)

    Oh the fun of annuals! Hope you didn't try to move in that "gown"...looks like the whole thing could come undone with one false move!

    LOVE that front yard!

  13. HAHAHAHA!!!! Only you would take a picture in a paper gown!!! ... hilarious! :)

  14. Those are the exact same roses we have in our yard! I love the yellow with the pink edges. We also have some red rose bushes but I like the yellow best :)

    Lovin' all the greenery, flowers and moon shots!

    Have a great week :)

  15. I couldn't figure out where to post this comment, but that white squirrel is something.

  16. How did I miss this post?! I guess I am losing my time on the computer lately. Kids keep me too busy to do much. You get the award for bravery here....taking a photo in the Dr.s office. You crack me up...(I hate waiting in those rooms...ha)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...