Saturday, June 23, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Twenty-Five

Hot, sultry, sluggish… just a few adjectives to describe our week…

Saturday, June 16th
My lunch – veggie burger & cantaloupe. Sadly, the tomato was store bought.

Dr. M drove back from Kentucky tonight – and drove by my sheep farm.

Sunday, June 17th
Look who came back for a visit!

No, the bunny isn’t incarcerated – just in the neighbor’s yard.

The altar flowers from church – in honor of my mother’s birthday (& Dr. M’s mom, since there were two bunches). The container that they’re in (from Tiffany – la de da) was my five year gift from work. When I chose it I thought it was a pencil holder. Ha!

Monday, June 18th     
My friend Joanne & I decided to get takeout & eat at her house. We watched the Reds game for a while. Rascal watched me eat. GORGEOUS cat! I couldn’t ever get all of him in the frame – maybe next week.

Tuesday, June 19th   
Our miniature rose bloomed!!!

Daisy Explosion.

Wednesday, June 20th   
The State of the Bug – a Vermeer model? You can read about this picture here. Sigh.

Thursday, June 21st       
Dr. M saw some brand new somebody hanging out on a daisy.

Friday, June 22nd       
Mr. Cardinal checking out his domain.

Lilies. The second one is what we got from Ellen – thanks!

I wasn’t sure you could really grasp the true giganticness of the daisy explosion – so I had Dr. M take this picture.

Last night it was a little cooler, so we enjoyed our fire pit.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. I am getting the itch again- maybe tomorrow will be a good day to re-join P365 (and blogging, for that matter)! Trying to convince myself it's not too much work to carry my huge camera around, and that I don't NEED to replace my small point and shoot. Too bad my phone takes crappy pics.
    Our daisies are also crazy. I need to find a spot to transplant them- they bend over too much and cover our sidewalk!

  2. I like Vermeer's model. But where's the trademark pearl earrings? If you don't have them you have my permission to rush out and buy them.

  3. I like your Saturday lunch - I eat a lot of veggie burgers. A LOT. Sometimes my husband and I wonder what we did before they invented veggie burgers.

    Too funny about your flower container. I bought a flower pot to use as a pencil holder. ;-p

  4. a fire in your fire pit in late June? That's just wrong.

    the butterfly is a snout nose.

    your day lilies are starting and mine are bloomed out.

  5. a daisy explosion and a fire pit... perfect!! ;)

  6. Those daisies are incredible!

    It has been awfully hot here, too. I had to take a couple of midday lie downs.

  7. I don't think I have ever seen daisies stand up that well. Do you water them with coffee or tea....just kidding.

  8. Awesome shots. Loved the white squirrel, the flowers, the red hat atracts me a lot. Your flowers are amazing. I cannot believe how tall they are. Hope your week is wonderful.

  9. That tomato might be store-bought, but it looks really good! The daisy explosion is impressive, too -- I like the photo with you behind it!

  10. oh, my goodness, the daisy explosion didn't look that big until you stood new tho it! crazy!!!!
    great pictures!

  11. I'm drooling over the cantaloupe :) I saw fresh strawberries at the store and got unduly excited -- they didn't look real healthy and I realized they had to have been shipped here from somewhere far, FAR away.

    That's a lovely vase that I'm sure would also make a lovely pencil holder. Who says it has to remain a vase, any way?!

    I luuuuurve daisies! They were the flowers I chose for our wedding (although the florist insisted I add a few token roses). And that is one big bunch of 'em!

  12. Your flora and fauna fotos, always delightful, this time even explosive! Was it Miracle Grow?
    I like the albino squirrel.

    Mike rode over your way yesterday, but didn't make it, so I had to pick him up part way. Too hot.

  13. i always enjoy these - your flower pictures are great

    and Albino Squirrel - nice to see him/her back again

  14. Oh my stars....LOVE, LOVE those daisy's....

    What kind are they????

    Girl that was a red hat!

  15. I love daiseys, And wow on the butterfly too. Looks like we had sone of the same pics this week, day lily and fire.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...