Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Almost Wordless...Tuesday

Shouldn't that be Taciturn Tuesday? Am I even able to be taciturn? I see you smirking out there. But really, my dinner from last night was almost too beautiful for words...

Chicken Salad Platter from Bob Evans. With a side of banana bread - of course!
I ate about half of that - I'm eating the rest for lunch today. Yum!


  1. looks wonderful. I'd make chicken salad more often but I hate to debone chicken.

  2. Yum indeed!
    And beautifully colorful!

  3. That looks good even to a carnivore like me!

  4. Wow, that does look good!

    I love the word taciturn.

  5. I love Bob Evans. We have but one of his restaurants in the whole Nashville area, and it's not exactly convenient to us. This lunch looks yummy. How lucky to eat it twice!

  6. I think maybe the Bob Evans we met on tour was an imposter!

  7. I see that cantaloupe there...

  8. That is a beautiful lunch. I love chicken salad.

    We used to eat at Bob Evans all the time when we visited my son at college. It was very convenient.


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