Monday, August 6, 2012

Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It...

A squirrel on a mission...

Skulking through the shadows...

His goal is in sight...

Now what?

I wonder if he hears this music in his head? I know I do when I watch him!


  1. Hahaha - in that first photo he looks quite like the spy on a mission, "Don't bother me know, I've got important stuff to do!"

    Not sure why I'm assuming it's a "he."

  2. Now I'm feeling squirrelly, and I can't get the Mission Impossible theme out of my head. Thanks, Bug!

  3. No mission is impossible for a squirrel!

  4. Hehe.... you can't watch them for any amount of time and NOT hear that music!

  5. I'm tempted to suggest that your mission might be to set those pictures to that theme. Of course that's easy for me to say, not having a clue how to do it.

  6. LOL Those squirrels are the most determined creatures on earth.

  7. there was an advert here some years ago where a squirrel climbed over an elaborate assault course to the Mission: Impossible theme - the end caption was "I bet he drinks..." (insert name of popular Australian beer here)

  8. hahaha I loved that show! And now I've got it running through my head -- along with errant squirrels :)

  9. DTFP: I remember that! It was Carling Black Label, and it's here:

    Bug: brilliant photos! That squirrel is posing, surely?

  10. I haven't seen a single squirrel in Montana. Chipmunks, bison, cows, deer, horses, a couple of elk, enormous ravens and beautiful black billed magpies (very noisy), but not a single squirrel. I miss their antics which you captured quite well.


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